Chinese Journal of Medical Education ›› 2018, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (5): 647-650.DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1673-677X.2018.05.002

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Prospects for the development of education quality assurance system in higher medical colleges

Qu Wei, Liu Xuezheng, Zhang Ting   

  1. Institute of Medical Education of Jinzhou Medical University, Jinzhou 121001,China
  • Received:2018-01-19 Online:2018-10-01 Published:2020-12-09
  • Contact: Zhang Ting, Email:
  • Supported by:
    General Scientific Research Project of Liaoning Provincial Education Department(W2013116);Liaoning Social Science Planning Fund Project(L13DZZ076)

Abstract: The demand of social development for high-quality medical talents is the guiding and driving force for the construction and development of quality assurance system of higher medical education. This paper enumerates that the current development concept of higher medical education quality assurance system is not clear. Then it specifies the development concept of higher medical education quality assurance system which takes the talent training as the goal, takes students as the center, takes the teaching result as a guide, and takes the quality improvement as the purpose. And it also explores the new trend of development of the education quality assurance system in the future, combining with the development of higher medical education. This is of great significance to further strengthen the construction of education quality assurance system of higher medical colleges and improve the quality of personnel training.

Key words: Medical colleges, Quality assurance system, Development prospect