

    01 October 2022, Volume 42 Issue 10 Previous Issue    Next Issue

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    Investigation and analysis on the employment of undergraduates majoring in food hygiene and nutrition
    Tang Wenjing, Mao Xuanxia, Aysanam Anwar, Zhu Tingyu, Cai Wei, Shen Xiuhua
    2022, 42 (10):  865-868.  DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.cn115259-20220301-00235
    Abstract ( 218 )   PDF (873KB) ( 103 )  
    Objective To understand the employment of undergraduates majoring in food hygiene and nutrition and to provide reference for the development of dietitians. Methods Questionnaires were distributed to food hygiene and nutrition undergraduates graduated in the period of 2008 to 2020 from Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine. The questionnaire included basic information, initial employment information, current work situation, and the prospect of career development of this major. Results There are 61.7% (158 / 256) of the undergraduates who chose employment and 37.8% (97 / 256) of the undergraduates chose further education. There are 95.3% (244 / 256) of the undergraduates who believed that the competitiveness would be improved with a master's or a doctoral degree. There are 89.8% (230 / 256) of the undergraduates who believed that registered dietitian certificate was helpful to the professional development of the specialty.The employment of the undergraduates was concentrated in the nutrition department of hospital [31.6% (50 / 158)], health system institutions [24.7% (39 / 158)], food / nutrition / health management / pharmaceutical enterprises [24.1% (38 / 158)]. Among them, the job-hopping rate of the undergraduates working in hospitals was the lowest[28.0%(14/50)], and that in food / nutrition / pharmaceutical enterprises was highest [73.7%(28/38)]. Conclusions The undergraduates majoring in food hygiene and nutrition mainly worked in nutrition department of hospital, health system institutions, food / nutrition / health management / pharmaceutical enterprises. The employment of nutrition department in hospital was highly conformed with the specialty and showed a high-stability. Obtaining a master's or a doctoral degree and Chinese registered dietitian certificate was helpful to employment and professional development.
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    The influences of graduating nursing students' professional commitment and significant others on their employment choices
    Wu Yinghui, Fang Qiong, Lin Weidong, Wang Bei, Lyu Weibo, Liu Zhejun, Zhu Daqiao
    2022, 42 (10):  869-873.  DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.cn115259-20220307-00272
    Abstract ( 92 )   PDF (854KB) ( 61 )  
    Objective To examine the influence of professional commitment and significant others on occupation choices in graduating nurse students. Methods From February to April 2020, 477 graduating nursing students from four medical colleges or universities located in Shanghai were involved in the survey. The questionnaire items included general personal information, nursing professional commitment scale, significant others and occupation choices. Multinomial logistic regression analysis was used to identify influencing factors of nursing students' occupation choices. Results The significant others for nursing students' employment choices were their parents [70.6% (337/477)], teachers [12.2% (58/477)], peers [9.4% (45/477)] and others [7.8% (37/477)], respectively. The results showed that the score of professional commitment of nursing students was (100.53±20.71); the most significant others influencing nursing students' occupation choice were their parents and school teachers. The proportion of nursing students choosing “hospital nurse” as their occupation choice is 67.9%(324/477); the graduating nursing students with higher score of professional commitment are less likely to choose continuing their education as graduate students(OR=0.961, 95%CI=0.938~0.984) or other unrelated occupations(OR=0.916, 95%CI=0.886~0.948). The graduating nursing students who has higher satisfaction with their clinical teachers during the internship (OR=0.164, 95%CI=0.030~0.894; OR=0.371, 95%CI=0.144~0.959) were less likely to choose other unrelated occupations. Academic teachers (OR=2.896,95%CI=1.212~6.920) may be significant others to graduating nursing students who prefer to continue their education as graduates. Conclusions Professional commitment is a key factor affecting occupation choices of graduating nursing students, and teachers have a significant influence on nursing students' choosing occupation.
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    Research on the way of ideological and political construction of narrative medicine
    Li Fei, He Zhong
    2022, 42 (10):  874-878.  DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.cn115259-20220222-00198
    Abstract ( 131 )   PDF (885KB) ( 127 )  
    As a course of medical humanities, Narrative Medicine should respond to the target of ideological and political construction of the course and promote it in the process of localization. Based on the teaching experience of Narrative Medicine in Peking Union Medical College, this paper attempts to summarize the approaches of the ideological and political construction in Narrative Medicine. The basic structure of the article is theoretical interpretation, implementation methods and student feedback. This paper introduces in detail the ways of strengthening the overall design of the Narrative Medicine course, condensing the characteristics of the course, digging deep into the resources of ideological and political education, establishing ideological and political education objectives, teaching implementation and feedback, the comprehensive evaluation of the course ideological and political effect, etc. , for the reference of medical education colleagues.
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    Exploration and practice of ideological and political education in medical microbiology
    Cui Yan, Li Xiaoxia
    2022, 42 (10):  879-882.  DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.cn115259-20220729-00952
    Abstract ( 160 )   PDF (833KB) ( 188 )  
    Ideological and political education is an important construct that has been gradually incorporated into the delivery of all specialty courses. It is essential for the building of professionalism and competence in higher education. This study investigated the practice of ideological and political education in medical microbiology course at Tianjin Medical University through setting up relevant teaching objectives, excavating the elements, designing cases, using various teaching methods, creating online teaching platform and implementing quantitative evaluation system. In June 2021, after the end of the course, a questionnaire survey was conducted among students of 4 majors in grade 2019. The results showed that the overall satisfaction of students for the ideological and political education component reached 93.6% (615/657). Majority of students [91.5% (601/657)] believed that the duration of ideological and political teaching in class was appropriate, and 81.9% (538/657) of them acknowledged that the combination of online and offline teaching mode was satisfying. Moreover, the satisfaction rate of the achievement of 5 moral teaching objectives were 89.8% (590/657), 93.3% (613/657), 92.4% (607/657), 92.7% (609/657) and 93.6% (615/657), respectively. The ideological and political education practice of medical microbiology has achieved the expected outcomes and has been well received by students.
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    Exploration and practice of guiding junior undergraduates to read scientific research literature in the form of course
    Ma Liwei, Zhang Weifang, Wang Jiyin, Qiu Guannan, Ni Juhua
    2022, 42 (10):  883-887.  DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.cn115259-20220325-00383
    Abstract ( 89 )   PDF (889KB) ( 107 )  
    Reading research literature is a necessary skill that medical students need master as soon as possible and it is also an important way to cultivate their scientific literacy and building of innovation capacity. Guiding junior undergraduates to read research literature in a form of course may help students to master systematic and scientific literature reading methods and lay a solid foundation for their future development. Taking the example of literature reading and academic communication,a college level general education elective course has been offered by the biochemistry teaching team from Peking University School of Basic Medical Sciences. The course is developed for the sophomores and juniors of Peking University Health Science Center and this article described course design, implementation and evaluation which were carried out by final examination and questionnaire survey. The results show that among 137 students who have taken this course, 99.3% (136/137) of the students successfully completed the course and passed the examination. The questionnaire survey of 72 students taking this course during 2020 and 2021 shows that guiding junior undergraduates to read scientific research literature in a form of selective courses significantly improved students' literature reading ability [88.9%(64/72)] and their skill in presentation [66.7%(48/72)], stimulated students' interest in scientific research [51.4%(37/72)], and enabled students to benefit from peer learning [63.9%(46/72)]. This course has initially established a set of early-phase training of research capacity in a form of single course. The learning is guided by teachers and follows the students-centered principle, which is conducive to cultivating students' essential capacity of literature reading and to stimulating their interest in scientific research.
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    The application of the demand-oriented interprofessional education curriculum in the early clinical contact of nursing for medical students
    Li Li, Xie Lingli, Jiao Jing, Guo Na, Li Yue, Wang Wei, Pan Xinwei, Zhao Xia, Tong Bingdu, Liu Fang, Shi Donglei
    2022, 42 (10):  888-892.  DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.cn115259-20220105-00014
    Abstract ( 68 )   PDF (858KB) ( 48 )  
    Objective To explore the effect of the demand-oriented interprofessional nursing education curriculum in the early clinical contact for medical students. Methods Cluster sampling method was used in the study. A total of 115 eight-year program clinical medicine students enrolled in 2017 and 2018 who entered Peking Union Medical College Hospital for the first time to participate in the clinical early contact course were selected as the research objects. Among them, 70 students in the class of 2018 were set as the experimental group, and 45 students in the class of 2017 were set as the control group. The experimental group was demand-oriented to design and apply the curriculum content and teaching method of early contact nursing course, while the control group adopted the conventional teaching method. At the end of the course, students' understanding of the course, degree of recognition, degree of satisfaction and readiness for cross-major learning were taken as the assessment indicators. Data were analyzed by t-test and chi-square test. Results Compared with the control group, the students in the experimental group had higher degree of recognition for the course [(3.63±0.78) vs. (3.11±0.83)] and satisfaction [(13.59±1.48) vs. (11.29±2.36)], and the differences were statistically significant (all P<0.05). The total scores of team collaboration [(53.49±5.30) vs. (50.78±4.98)], patient-centered [(22.90±2.11) vs. (22.07±2.11)] and interprofessional learning readiness [(93.31±7.58) vs. (88.62±4.83)] in the experimental group were higher than those in the control group, all with statistical significance (all P <0.05). Conclusions Promoting demand-oriented early contact nursing course in the early clinical contact stage of medical students can fully improve students' recognition and satisfaction of the course, improve medical students' teamwork and empathy ability, and facilitate the clinical application of early contact for medical students.
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    Research advances on comic teaching in medical education
    Yang Bei, Wang Yin, Cheng Kangyao
    2022, 42 (10):  893-897.  DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.cn115259-20220320-00347
    Abstract ( 117 )   PDF (900KB) ( 109 )  
    Comic teaching plays an important role in facilitating students' understanding and retention of the content and in promoting active thinking about it. At present, application of comic teaching is still lacking in the field of medical education in China. Based on a systematic review of the relevant literature, this paper describes the functions and characteristics, design principles, implementation process and application effects of comic teaching in medical education. The comic teaching in medical field requires a high level of artistry and professionalism of comics, and requires strict quality control of comics. How to realize comic teaching combined with flipped classroom and other teaching methods, so as to improve the participation of medical students and the educational effect, is a research direction worthy of attention in the future.
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    Exploration and practice of advanced blended teaching in obstetrics and gynecology for nursing students from the perspective of ideology and politics
    Li Jiamei, Ren Yulan, Yang Yao, Su Xi
    2022, 42 (10):  898-902.  DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.cn115259-20220328-00390
    Abstract ( 100 )   PDF (888KB) ( 85 )  
    Objective To explore advanced blended teaching and evaluate the learning outcomes in obstetrics and gynecology for nursing students from the perspective of ideology and politics. Methods Using the experimental control method. The undergraduates majoring in nursing from 2014 to 2018 in Guangzhou Medical University were selected as the research objects, 179 students enrolled in 2017 and 2018 as the experimental group, and 234 students enrolled in 2014 to 2016 as the control group. The control group adopted classic teaching and the experimental group adopted the advanced blended teaching. The results of examinations and questionnaire survey were collected for evaluating the teaching effect. T-test was used to compare the differences between two groups. Results The mid-term test, probationary medical record report and final theory test of the students in the experimental group were (72.05±15.15),(88.18±15.12) and (73.61±12.37)respectively ,higher than the scores of the control group, which were (62.85±12.52),(84.26±9.74) and (63.53±11.37).The differences were all statistically significant(all P<0.05). The score of experimental group (85.35±13.81) was lower than that of control group (91.17±7.43) in experimental test, and the difference was statistically significant (t=-5.11,P<0.001). 81.7% (85/104) of the students in the experimental group considered that the teaching reform model was helpful to study selectively according to their own learning situation and interest. 80.8% (84/104) considered it was helpful to improve the satisfaction of the course, and 77.9% (81/104) considered it was helpful to improve the interest of the course. Conclusions Advanced hybrid teaching from the perspective of ideology and politics can improve the effect of teaching in obstetrics and gynecology for nursing undergraduates, which is generally recognized by students and can be shared by others in nursing education institutes.
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    The hot spot and evolution of online medical education modalities research from 2000 to 2021
    Jiang Hongyu, Liang Lei, Meng Yichen, Yan Min, Shi Jiazi, Wang Zhinong, Xiao Jianru, Lou Yan
    2022, 42 (10):  903-906.  DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.cn115259-20220412-00469
    Abstract ( 130 )   PDF (841KB) ( 126 )  
    Objective This article summarizes the development, hotspots and current situation of online medical education and research from 2000 to 2021, in order to provide a reference for future research and development. Methods Using the bibliometric method, the annual number and keywords from 2000 to 2021 of the 3 972 papers on the topic of online medical teaching were analyzed by CiteSpace. Results From 2000 to 2018, the annual number of published papers increased from 18 to 239, with an average annual growth rate of 15.5%. From 2019 to 2021, publication increased from 240 to 732 with an average annual growth rate of 74.6%. Keyword cluster analysis forms five types of themes, the top five highly centralized keywords are network teaching, teaching reform, online teaching, teaching methods and medical education. In the past three years, the frontier subject words were self-directed learning, practical teaching and massive open online course. Conclusions Since 2019, the growth of online medical teaching-related research publications has accelerated significantly, the scope of covered disciplines has been expanding, the application of emerging technologies has been increasing, and the teaching concept has been continuously changed. The current research hotspots are learning guides teaching, active Learning,the integration of online and offline teaching. How to strengthen the instant interactivity of online teaching, cultivate students' self-management ability and lifelong learning concepts, promote the integration of online teaching and new technologies such as virtual reality, and improve the quality of teaching are important directions for future research.
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    Application of scenario simulation in the residents standardized training of obstetrics and gynecology
    He Lidan, Wu Jianbo, Xie Xinping, Lin Yao, Bao Qiufang, Zhang Xia, Chen Lihong
    2022, 42 (10):  907-911.  DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.cn115259-20220311-00305
    Abstract ( 115 )   PDF (886KB) ( 85 )  
    Objective To evaluate the teaching effect of scenario simulation in the residents standardized training of obstetrics and gynecology. Methods Sixty-one trainees who joined the program of standardized residential training from 2016 to 2021 in the department of obstetrics and gynecology of the First Affiliated Hospital of Fujian Medical University were randomly divided into experimental group(n=31) and control group(n=30). The experimental group was trained by scenario simulation method and the control group accepted the training by traditional method. Then the objective structured clinical examination(OSCE), educational environment assessment scale and questionnaire survey were used to evaluate the teaching effect. χ2 test and t test were used to compare the differences between the two groups. Results The OSCE grade from experimental group (370.16±6.19) and control group (343.63±8.94) were significantly different(t=13.51,P<0.001). The perception scores of learning,teachers’performance, academic and learning environment from the trainees of experimental group were (29.35±2.15),(32.06±2.32),(22.13±1.76) and (31.19±3.08), respectively, that were significantly higher than those of trainees from control group (25.53±1.94),(27.90±2.55),(19.27±2.52) and (27.93±2.86)(all P<0.05). The scores of learning efficiency, self-confidence, capacity of clinical reasoning, problem analysis, clinical skill and team cooperation from experimental group were(4.61±0.49),(4.58±0.50),(4.71±0.46),(4.81±0.40),(4.74±0.44)and (4.74±0.44) respectively, which were higher than those from the control group (4.17±0.59),(4.20±0.66),(4.13±0.57)、(4.03±0.40),(4.23±0.63) and(4.07±0.42), the differences were statistically significant (all P<0.05). Conclusions Scenario simulation is an effective teaching method for the standardized training of obstetrics and gynecology residents, which is proven by improved OSCE performance and well recognized by of the resident trainees.
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    Construction of case database for a multi-disciplinary teaching ward round of perinatal medicine
    Zhang Cong, Sun Qian, Chen Suhua, Deng Dongrui, Zeng Wanjiang, Liu Haiyi, Yao Fei, Feng Ling
    2022, 42 (10):  912-915.  DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.cn115259-20220428-00556
    Abstract ( 69 )   PDF (832KB) ( 59 )  
    A multi-disciplinary model of diagnosis and treatment has been promoted in Chinese public hospitals. The exploration of the similar multi-disciplinary teaching methodology lays the foundation for cultivating the comprehensive quality of medical students in the new era. A total of 155 medicine multidisciplinary outpatient cases between September 2020 and January 2022 in Tongji Hospital were selected and analyzed for disease diagnoses and the distribution of relevant disciplines. A case database for multi-disciplinary teaching ward rounds for obstetrics was constructed for the clinical teaching of undergraduate medical students. A typical case of abnormal fetal urinary system was selected from the database to explore the clinical teaching. The feedback from students showed that 90.9%(20/22) students thought clinical thinking ability had been improved, 81.8%(18/22) students thought medical history collection and clinical skill operation ability had been improved, and 68.2%(15/22) students thought communication ability had been improved. The construction and application of case database for multi-disciplinary teaching ward rounds has certain generalizable value in undergraduate education.
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    Bibliometric analysis of Chinese doctoral dissertations in anesthesiology
    Liang Jianfen, Hei Ziqing, Li Xiang
    2022, 42 (10):  916-919.  DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.cn115259-20220221-00589
    Abstract ( 112 )   PDF (2638KB) ( 82 )  
    Objective To analyze the characteristics and research topics of Chinese doctoral dissertations of anesthesiology to offer a reference for doctoral training in anesthesiology. Methods Bibliometric analysis was used to retrieve CNKI and Wanfang Database for the doctoral dissertations of anesthesiology from 1988 to 2020 and to record the basic situation of each paper. VOS viewer was used to extract and to analyze the high-frequency keywords of these papers. Results There were 1 073 Chinese doctoral dissertations of anesthesiology from 46 colleges, and they were retrieved with 62.5% (671/1 073) papers from top 10 universities. There were 314 advisers in total. More than half of these papers were never cited. The dissertations were clustered into 5 main topics: pain, lung injury, neurocognitive function changes, ischemia-reperfusion injury, and the mechanism of intravenous anesthetics. Conclusions The universities and advisers of Chinese doctoral dissertations of anesthesiology were relatively convergent and the quality of the dissertations need improving. There have been several main topics of research, but the breadth and depth of doctoral training in anesthesiology can be further expanded.
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    Investigation and analysis on collaboration intentions and needs on higher medical education between China and ASEAN countries
    Bai Jing, Sun Qiudan, Li Xiaojia
    2022, 42 (10):  920-923.  DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.cn115259-20220308-00279
    Abstract ( 59 )   PDF (839KB) ( 37 )  
    Objective The study aims to collect information of collaboration needs on medical education from medical universities/colleges in China and ASEAN and provide suggestions for the development of medical education in China and ASEAN countries. Methods A self-constructed questionnaire survey was adopted to collect data on collaboration intentions, expertise and challenges of the 43 member institutions of China-ASEAN University Consortium on Medicine and Health in medical education in May, 2020. Descriptive statistics was applied for data analysis. Results In total, 20 Chinese members and 10 ASEAN members completed the survey. The study found that both Chinese and ASEAN universities/colleges were particularly interested in cooperation in curriculum design (14 for China, 8 for ASEAN), cultivation of scientific research ability (17 for China, 7 for ASEAN) and online courses (17 for China, 7 for ASEAN) for undergraduate medical education; cultivation of graduate scientific research ability (18 for China, 9 for ASEAN), graduate exchange (18 for China, 9 for ASEAN), short courses training/workshop (19 for China, 8 for ASEAN) and online courses (14 for China, 7 for ASEAN) for postgraduate medical education; clinical observation/rotation (15 for China, 9 for ASEAN), and youth conference & workshop (18 for China, 7 for ASEAN) as to the forms of student exchange. Besides, both Chinese and ASEAN universities/colleges had expertise in curriculum design for undergraduate medical education (11 for China, 6 for ASEAN), short courses training/workshop for postgraduate medical education (10 for China, 5 for ASEAN), and clinical observation/rotation (10 for China, 5 for ASEAN) for student exchange. More than half of Chinese and ASEAN members believed that they had no challenges in cooperation on medical education. Conclusions Both Chinese and ASEAN universities/colleges have a strong willingness to conduct international cooperation in many areas of medical education, including online courses and other aspects. However, in certain areas Chinese or ASEAN institutions have a higher willingness to conduct cooperation than their counterpart. They should further explore their advantages and characteristics of both sides in medical education based on mutual interests, deepen cooperation in medical education and finally promote the development of medical education in the region.
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    Evaluation on implementation of national continuing medical education programs in Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention during 2013-2020
    Liu Mengran, Ma Huilai, Cui Shaoying, Ma jing
    2022, 42 (10):  924-928.  DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.cn115259-20220328-00395
    Abstract ( 52 )   PDF (883KB) ( 37 )  
    Objective To evaluate the implementation of national continuing medical education(CME) programs in Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention during 2013-2020, in order to improve CME quality. Methods According to the implementation of CME program of Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention during 2013-2020 reported in the national CME system, the project hosting days, places, trainers, trainees, project directors and training effect were counted and analyzed. The Chi-square test was used to analyze the data. Results A total of 448 projects were approved, among which 381 were conducted during 2013-2020 (execution rate 85.0%). Most hosting days were 1-3 d [64.0%(244/381)]. The majority [67.1%(33 505/49 951)] of trainees have junior and intermediate technical titles. As for trainers, the proportion of trainers coming from our institute was 68.8%(1 997/2 901). Trainers with senior technical titles account for 64.8%(1 881/2 901), and those with vice-senior titles 23.9% (693/2 901). Program directors all have senior technical titles, of which 76.7% (289/377) are senior titles, 44.7% (168/376) of them had doctoral degree and 38.0% (143/376) of them had master's degree. The top three training modules were laboratory technology, environmental health and radiation hygiene. Trainees were satisfied with the training content. Conclusions The implementation of CME programs was favorable overall. In the future, it seems necessary to weed out the old and bring forth the new in CME management, and enhance surveillance and evaluation to improve project quality accordingly.
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    Study on self-study pattern for continuing medical education of ultrasound medicine
    Zhang Jing, Zhang Jinxiang, Wang Jing, Wu Wenqian, You Manjie, Xiang Feixiang, Li He, Wu Chun, Xu Nan, Sun Zhenxing, Zhang Li, Yang Yali, Lyu Qing, Xie Mingxing
    2022, 42 (10):  929-933.  DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.cn115259-20220523-00665
    Abstract ( 79 )   PDF (946KB) ( 57 )  
    It is a favorable measure to promote the innovation and development of continuing medical education in China by way of capitalizing the self-study pattern featuring the centrality of competency and the agency of the individual medical staff. To provide empirical support for the practical application of self-study pattern for ultrasound medicine in China, and on the basis of the continuing professional development principles, this paper discusses the implications of this innovative method of continuing medical education in depth, and attempts to construct the verifiable self-study pattern for ultrasound physicians from the following five aspects: resources, organizational structure, learning content, validation protocol, and construction of information management platform.
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    Reflection on the preliminary implementation of preclinical comprehensive assessment for eight-year program medical students
    Zhang Yunzhu, Ji Chao
    2022, 42 (10):  934-937.  DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.cn115259-20220310-00293
    Abstract ( 61 )   PDF (894KB) ( 49 )  
    This study attempts to establish a phased assessment system, preclinical comprehensive assessment system for clinical access according to the eight-year consistent training mode of clinical medicine major in Peking Union Medical College to examine students' overall mastery of basic medical knowledge and comprehensive application ability at the end of the basic medical stage. Through comparative analysis of the implementation of the preclinical comprehensive assessment system in the past three years, the quality and application effectiveness of the itembank construction of the preclinical comprehensive assessment were evaluated, and the guiding significance and important reference value of the preclinical comprehensive assessment in the eight-year consistent training mode of clinical medicine major were summarized. Combined with feedback from students on its implementation, the feasible methods for further improving the phased assessment system were reflected upon.
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    Development and reliability and validity test of the nurse core competencies scale based on the WHO framework
    Wang Yujie, Zhang Lichuan, Yin Qian, Pang Dong, Lu Qian
    2022, 42 (10):  938-941.  DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.cn115259-20220124-00100
    Abstract ( 111 )   PDF (843KB) ( 95 )  
    Objective To development a nurse educator core competencies scale based on the framework of nurse educator core competencies (NECC) developed by World Health Organization, and test its reliability and validity. Methods The Chinese draft was formed by forward and back translation. We invited experts to evaluate its content validity. After adjustment according to experts' comments, a survey was conducted in 598 clinical nursing educators of university affiliated hospitals in Beijing. Exploratory structural equation modeling (ESEM) was used to evaluate construct validity. Correlation analysis was used to evaluate criteria-related validity. Cronbach's α coefficient was used to evaluate the internal reliability, Spearman-Brown coefficient was usedtoevaluate split-half reliability. Results The scale-level content validity index was 0.810. The model fit results of ESEM were χ2=955.376 (P<0.001), Root Mean Square Error of Approximation=0.048 (0.044-0.052), Comparative Fit Index =0.992, Tucker-Lewis Index=0.987, Weighted Root Mean Square Residual=0.584, and finally extracted eight domains. It's total score had significant correlation with the total score of the competency framework for clinical nursing teachers (r=0.599, P<0.001). Criteria-related validity was good. The overall Cronbach's α was 0.975 and the domains' Cronbach's α were 0.830~0.934. Split-half reliability was 0.910. Conclusions The nurse educator core competencies scale based on the NECC framework had acceptable reliability and validity, which could be used to assess the core competencies of clinical nursing educators in our country.
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    Development and reliability and validity analysis of online learning motivation scale for medical students
    Guo Haichen, Yang Maoling, Gao Rui, Li Qinglin, Zhang Shue, Yuan Jia, Wang Yanping, Li Shuhui, Wang Guanjun, Zhang Zhong, Yang Libin
    2022, 42 (10):  942-946.  DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.cn115259-20220319-00344
    Abstract ( 104 )   PDF (884KB) ( 114 )  
    Objective The online learning motivation scale for medical students was developed and its reliability and validity were tested. Methods From June 6 to 14, 2021, a panel discussion method was used to determine the scale of the medical students' motivation for online learning scale. A total of 1 082 medical students enrolled in Harbin Medical University and Jiamusi University were selected by whole-group sampling and stratified sampling to conduct the general situation questionnaire and the medical students' motivation for online learning scale. The reliability and validity of the medical students' online learning motivation scale were analyzed. Results The online learning motivation scale for medical students contains 6 dimensions of external influence, career development, freedom from routine, social service, competence pursuit, and interest in knowledge, with 27 entries. Validation factor analysis showed that the ratio of χ2 and degrees of freedom (χ2/DF) was 4.99, the root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA) was 0.06, the goodness of fit index (GFI) was 0.90, the comparative fit quality index (CFI) was 0.95, the normative fit index (NFI) was 0.93, value-added fit index (IFI) was 0.95, non-standard fit index (TLI) was 0.94, and the cronbach coefficient of the scale was 0.95. Conclusions The online learning motivation scale for medical students has good reliability and validity and can be used as a reliable instrument to measure medical students' online learning motivation.
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    Development of an evaluation system for ideological and political construction of medical curriculum in Shangdong Medical college
    Shao Xiao, Zhu Sijin, Hu Xihou, Wei Fei, Hu Naibao
    2022, 42 (10):  947-950.  DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.cn115259-20220303-00256
    Abstract ( 94 )   PDF (825KB) ( 97 )  
    To develop a scientific and rational evaluation index system for development and practice medical ideological curriculum in order to train students’ essential moral spirit and improve the learning outcomes and teaching quality of ideological and political course through literature review. The article described in five aspects as school, disciplines, courses, teachers, and students in order to build an evaluation index system for course ideological construction. Delphi method, order diagram method and analytic hierarchy process are used to analyze the evaluation index system and to determine the weight of the first and second indexes. Finally, an evaluation index system for the ideological and political construction of medical colleges and universities was constructed, which included 5 first-level indicators, 15 second-level indicators and 30 third-level indicators. The structure and content of the index are reasonable.
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    A contrastive study on cultivating models for undergraduates in rehabilitation therapeutics in China and Japan
    Ma Yubao, Guo Qingcheng, Zhang Lihua, Ma Xinxin, He Yu, Liu Tiejun
    2022, 42 (10):  951-955.  DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.cn115259-20220328-00391
    Abstract ( 80 )   PDF (879KB) ( 54 )  
    As social demand continues to evolve, training of rehabilitation therapists in China has been rapidly on the rise, but such development was not without its challenges and obstacles. Japan's rehabilitation program is well-known for its many accomplishments. Therefore, the cultivating models of undergraduates in rehabilitation therapeutics in Japan is worth learning. This paper contrasts the differences of cultivating models for physical therapy and occupational therapy in Japan and China, including training objectives, training system, assessment program and curriculum system. This paper also summarizes the method of enhancing domestic education of rehabilitation, such as unified certification process, identify training objectives and so on.
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    Yan Fuqing's ideology on medical education and the practice in Hunan
    Liu Zhisheng, Duan Shaobin, Huang Shanqi, Hu Dehua
    2022, 42 (10):  956-960.  DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.cn115259-20220419-00510
    Abstract ( 70 )   PDF (852KB) ( 41 )  
    The year 2022 marks the 140th anniversary of the birth of Yan Fuqing, a famous medical educator and public health scientist in modern China. Based on Yan Fuqing's medical practice in Hunan and the growth track of graduates of the first eight sessions from Hsiang-Ya Medical School, this research collects a series of education concepts put forward by Yan Fuqing in medical education and scientific research by reviewing journals, literature, newspapers and archives, and remembers his important contributions to medical education.
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