中华医学教育杂志 ›› 2017, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (1): 28-32.DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1673-677X.2017.01.006

• 人才培养模式 • 上一篇    下一篇


胡燕琪, 蔡巧玲, 秦啸龙, 李晨蕾, 高静, 唐红梅   

  1. 201318 上海健康医学院临床医学院实训中心(胡燕琪),上海健康医学院临床医学院(蔡巧玲、秦啸龙、高静),上海健康医学院临床医学院教学办公室(李晨蕾),上海健康医学院(唐红梅)
  • 出版日期:2017-01-01 发布日期:2020-12-09
  • 通讯作者: 唐红梅, Email:tanghm@sumhs.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:

Exploration in first aid core skills of emergency public training in Shanghai

Hu Yanqi, Cai Qiaoling, Qin Xiaolong, Li Chenlei, Gao Jing, Tang Hongmei   

  1. Hu Yanqi, Cai Qiaoling, Qin Xiaolong, Li Chenlei, Gao Jing, Tang Hongmei Skills Training Center, School of Clinical Medicine, Shanghai University of Medicine &
    Health Sciences, Shanghai 201318, China (Hu YQ);
    School of Clinical Medicine, Shanghai University of Medicine &
    Health Sciences, Shanghai 201318, China (Cai QL, Qin XL, Gao J);
    Office of Teaching Affairs, School of Clinical Medicine, Shanghai University of Medicine &
    Health Sciences, Shanghai 201318, China (Li CL);
    Shanghai University of Medicine &
    Health Sciences, Shanghai 201318, China (Tang HM)
  • Online:2017-01-01 Published:2020-12-09
  • Contact: Tang Hongmei, Email:tanghm@sumhs.edu.cn

摘要: 目的 通过调研和分析社会人员的现场急救能力需求,初步明确其急救核心培训的技能。方法 以上海市急救120中心从业人员和上海市医院急诊科医生和护士作为调查对象,自行设计并发放问卷,在预实验基础上修改问卷。对受访者基本情况和社会急救人员应当具备的急救技能进行调查和统计学分析。结果 发放问卷3000份,回收问卷2655份,其中有效问卷1953份。受调查人员中院前组(120随车急救医师、120辅助人员、120急救车司机、120行政人员)共1011人(51.8%)、院内组(急诊科医生和护士)942人(48.2%)。分属于4个模板(基础生命支持、止血包扎及外固定、患者的搬运、基础呼吸道管理)的11项技能项依次获得最高的认可度。对于基础生命支持中的心肺复苏和自动体外除颤仪2项技能,院前组和院内组的认可度差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),其余9个技能项目院内组比院前组均认为更为重要,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 对社会人员的急救培训需要进一步普及,可以根据社会人员的职业将培训分层为:①普及性社会人员急救培训;②特殊社会人员急救培训两大类。以这2个层次不同的技能需求进行培训,普及性社会培训以心肺复苏为主要内容;特殊社会人员急救培训以基础生命支持、止血包扎及外固定、患者的搬运、基础呼吸道管理4个模块为主要培训内容。运用标准化的课程和注重实际操作的教学方式,形成目标明确、效果显著、层次分明的培训模式。

关键词: 急救技能, 院前急救, 公众培训, 培训模式, 探索

Abstract: Objective To determine the trainingObjective and core training skills through survey and analysis of the demand of first aid knowledge.Methods Questionaire survey has been carried out among professional personnel of Shanghai's Emergency Centers and physicians and nurses from Emergency Department of hospitals in Shanghai using self-designed questionnare which was modified on the basis of pilot experiment. Investigation and statistical analysis of fundamental state of the interviewee and first aid techniques requried for the fist aid personnel has been performed there after.Results 3000 questionaires had been distributed and 2655 had been retrieved of which 1953 were valid. Among all the interviewees, 1011 (51.8%) were pre-hospital first aid group (physician, supporting staff, driver and administrative staff) and 942 (48.2%) were in-hospital group (physicians and nurses). Highest recognition was attributed to 11 techniques from four different modules (Basic life support, bleeding control and fixation, patient transportation and basic airway management). None statistical significance of recognition on cardiopulmonary resuscitation and automated external defibrillator was observed between pre-hospital group and in-hospital group (P>0.05). While for other 9 techniques in-hospital group believe they are more important, which was statistically different (P<0.05).Conclusions Popularization of first aid training is needed which can be divided into two groups based on their occupations: (1) General first aid training, (2) Professional first aid training. Different training can be provided based on their requirement of first aid techniques. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation would be the main part of the general first aid training. For the professional training, first aid techniques like basic life support, bleeding control and fixation, patient transportation and basic airway management can be the main training modules. Training pattern with objective, effectiveness and different training group can be achieved via standardized training course and practical training methods.

Key words: Emergency training, First aid, Public training, Training model, Exploration