中华医学教育杂志 ›› 2017, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (3): 419-423.DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1673-677X.2017.03.022

• 教学方法 • 上一篇    下一篇


梁锦坚, 李谦华, 莫颖倩, 李艳华, 王晓莹, 韦秀宁, 郑东辉, 戴冽   

  1. 510120 广州,中山大学孙逸仙纪念医院风湿免疫科
  • 出版日期:2017-03-01 发布日期:2020-12-09
  • 通讯作者: 戴冽, Email:liedai2004@163.com
  • 基金资助:
    2015年广东省高等教育教学研究和改革项目(粤教高函[2015]173号); 2015年广东省本科高校临床教学基地教学改革研究项目(2015JDA008); 2016年中山大学本科教学改革研究课题(中大教务[2016]72号)

The application of Flipped classroom based on micro-lecture in clinical probation of rheumatoid arthritis

Liang Jinjian, Li Qianhua, Mo Yingqian, Li Yanhua, Wang Xiaoying, Wei Xiuning,Zheng Donghui,Dai Lie   

  1. Department of Rheumatology, Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hospital, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou 510120, China
  • Online:2017-03-01 Published:2020-12-09
  • Contact: Dai Lie, Email:liedai2004@163.com

摘要: 目的 探讨基于微课的翻转课堂教学模式在内科学类风湿性关节炎见习教学中的应用效果。方法 本研究采取探索性方法。选择2016年在中山大学孙逸仙纪念医院见习的中山大学2011级八年制临床医学专业26名学生为研究对象。学生在见习课前学习类风湿关节炎微课,见习课时进行个人测试、诊查真实病例、分组汇报及点评、小组测试,并采用10分量表调查学生对教学效果的评价。结果 学生课前学习微课平均2.2小时,个人测试和小组测试提示学生基本理论知识掌握较好,但与临床实践相关的知识较缺乏;诊查病例时基本掌握病史采集及体格检查要点,但不够熟练;分组汇报时反映出学生在分析病例及临床思维能力方面的不足。问卷调查结果表明,学生普遍支持在见习教学中应用这种教学方法。结论 基于微课的翻转课堂教学能够更好地训练学生诊查患者的技能及锻炼其临床思维。

关键词: 微课, 翻转课堂, 类风湿性关节炎, 见习, 应用

Abstract: Objective To explore the application of Flipped classroom based on micro-lecture in clinical probation of rheumatoid arthritis.Methods Exploratory research was taken in this study. Twenty-six medical students of eight-year program were recruited. The students studied micro-lecture about rheumatoid arthritis on Blackboard E-learning platform before clinical probation. During probation class, they conducted individual test, history taking and physical examination on real patients with typical rheumatoid arthritis, case summary and analysis about diagnosis and treatment and group test. Finally, the students evaluated this teaching by 10 score scales questionnaire.Results On average, the students took 2.2 hours in micro-lecture and E-learning before the class. The individual and group tests showed that the students had good knowledge on basic theory compared with poor knowledge on clinical practice. They were able to finish history taking and physical examination but were not well skilled. The case summary revealed that they needed more training on the case analysis and clinical reasoning. All students support this new teaching method.Conclusions The Flipped classroom based on micro-lecture is efficacy on training students' clinical thinking and skills, indicating that it can be promoted as a supplement to the existing teaching method for clinical probation.

Key words: Micro-lecture, Flipped classroom, Rheumatoid arthritis, Probation, Application