中华医学教育杂志 ›› 2018, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (5): 734-738.DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1673-677X.2018.05.022

• 教育技术 • 上一篇    下一篇


李杨, 田华, 张克   

  1. 100191北京大学第三医院骨科
  • 收稿日期:2017-12-17 出版日期:2018-10-01 发布日期:2020-12-09
  • 通讯作者: 田华, Email: tianhua@bjmu.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:

The application of 3D printing technique in the teaching of total knee arthroplasty

Li Yang, Tian Hua, Zhang Ke   

  1. Department of Orthopaedics, Peking University Third Hospital, Beijing 100191, China
  • Received:2017-12-17 Online:2018-10-01 Published:2020-12-09
  • Contact: Tian Hua, Email: tianhua@bjmu.edu.cn
  • Supported by:
    Peking University Third Hospital Clinical Key Project in 2016-Cultivation and Exploration Project (Multi-Department) (BYSY2016010); Peking University Health Science Center Education and Teaching Research Subject in 2017 (2017YB11)

摘要: 目的 探讨3D打印技术在骨科全膝关节置换教学中的优势,辅助年轻医生加深对解剖结构的理解,提高他们的手术操作能力。方法 在全膝关节置换术中应用3D打印技术,通过3D打印模型辅助术前计划教学并进行手术预演,利用3D打印截骨导板在术中指导截骨,利用3D打印软件在术后进行回顾与评估。结果 3D打印模型可以为年轻医生更直观地展示真实的解剖结构,手术预演也提供了对真实病例的操作机会。术中3D打印截骨导板的使用,可以在保证手术精准的同时,锻炼年轻医生的操作水平。术后3D打印软件可以帮助年轻医生深入理解复杂病例和定制假体,还可以进行远程教学。结论 3D打印技术在骨科全膝关节置换教学中具有明显的优势,作为一种高效的教学工具,在对年轻医生的培训中发挥着重要的作用。

关键词: 3D打印, 模型, 全膝关节置换, 临床教学

Abstract: Objective To demonstrate the advantages of 3D printing as a teaching tool in total knee arthroplasty and the effectiveness of improving the understanding on anatomy and operative skills of young trainee surgeons. Methods 3D printing in TKA provides 3D printing models which could assisted pre-operative training of design and provided surgical rehearsals, 3D printing cutting block which could guided intra-operative osteotomy, and 3D printing software which could reviewed the patient-specific implants results. Results The 3D printing model can show the real anatomical structure to young trainee surgeons more intuitively, and the surgical rehearsal on the model provide the opportunities to operate real cases for the trainees. With the intra-operative usage of cutting block, young trainee surgeons are going to have exercise whilst ensuring there is no detriment to patient safety. At last, 3D printing software will help young trainee surgeons understand the complex cases and the patient-specific implants, as well as used for distance education. Conclusions 3D printing has a valuable role as a training tool to improve young trainee surgeons skills for it have tremendous teaching advantages in total knee arthroplasty.

Key words: 3D printing, Model, Total knee arthroplasty, Clinical teaching