中华医学教育杂志 ›› 2019, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (10): 732-737.DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1673-677X.2019.10.003

• 国外医学与比较医学教育专栏 • 上一篇    下一篇


李文卓1, 吴红斌2, 王维民3   

  1. 1北京大学公共卫生学院卫生政策与管理学系 北京大学医学教育研究所 100191;
    2北京大学医学教育研究所 全国医学教育发展中心 100191;
    3北京大学医学部 全国医学教育发展中心 100191
  • 收稿日期:2019-03-21 出版日期:2019-10-01 发布日期:2020-12-09
  • 通讯作者: 吴红斌,Email:wuhongbin@pku.edu.cn,电话:010-82805597
  • 基金资助:

Study on the characteristics of personnel structure of American medical colleges and its enlightenment to China: based on academic ranking of world universities

Li Wenzhuo1, Wu Hongbin2, Wang Weimin3   

  1. 1Department of Health Policy and Management,School of Public Health & Institute of Medical Education,Peking University,Beijing 100191,China;
    2Intitute of Medical Education of Peking University & National Center of Medical Education Development,Beijing 100191,China;
    3Peking University Health Science Center & National Center of Medical Education Development,Beijing 100191,China
  • Received:2019-03-21 Online:2019-10-01 Published:2020-12-09
  • Contact: Wu Hongbin,Email:wuhongbin@pku.edu.cn,Tel:0086-10-82805597

摘要: 目的 探究美国医学院校生师和教师结构与排名的关系并从中获得启示。方法 2018年以来,结合美国医学院校协会(AmericanAssociationofMedicalCollege,AAMC)发布的人员数据与世界大学学术排名(academicrankingofworlduniversities,ARWU)中世界一流学科排名数据,采用黄金比例对排名进行分层分析。结果 规模上,学生数量和基础医学教师数量在不同排名之间差异不大,但临床教师和总教师数量在不同排名间差异较大;结构上,世界排名前500名的美国医学院校生师比中位数为0.52∶1,且排名越靠前,生师比越低;临床医学与基础医学教师数量比(以下简称临基比)中位数为7.68∶1,且排名越靠前,临基比越高。结论 美国医学教育处于世界领先地位,其人员结构特征对我国医学教育发展具有一定启示作用。我国可以尝试对高水平医学院校进行重点支持,牵拉带动整个医学教育领域的发展;关注教师体量,控制生师比,以保证医学精英教育质量;同时,结合院校自身历史和现实条件,尝试设定临基比标准。

关键词: 生师比, 人员结构, 临床医学, 院校排名, 美国

Abstract: Objective To explore the relationship between the personnel quantity structure and medical college rankings in America and get inspirations.The personnel quantity structure referred to structures of both students and teachers and clinical teachers and teachers in basic medicine.Methods The personnel data released by Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) and the college rankings released by Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) were combined for analysis.Golden section was used to stratify the rankings.Results Both the quantity of students and total teachers in different rankings showed no significant difference,while difference is significant in clinical teachers and teachers in basic medicine.The median ratio of top 500 colleges student-teacher was 0.52∶1.The lower it was,the higher the ranking tended to be.The median ratio of the number of clinical teachers to basic medical ones was 7.68∶1.The higher the ratio was,the higher the ranking tended to be.Conclusions Medical education in America showed the leading position of the world.The personnel structure could be used for references in the development of Chinese medical education.China can try to give key support to high level medical colleges to promote the development of the whole medical field.Attention should be paid to the quantity of teachers to ensure the quality of medical elite status.When it comes to clinical-basic ratio,historical and realistic conditions of colleges should be combined.

Key words: Student-teacher ratio, Personnel structure, Clinical medicine, College rankings, America
