中华医学教育杂志 ›› 2023, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (2): 91-94.DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.cn115259-20220620-00803

• 人才培养模式 • 上一篇    下一篇


张鑫1, 赵越2, 谢月英3, 苏奕成3, 欧晏晨3, 左延莉4   

  1. 1广西医科大学教务处,南宁 530021;
    2广西医科大学第一附属医院医疗保险管理办公室,南宁 530021;
    3广西医科大学信息与管理学院卫生事业管理教研室,南宁 530021;
    4广西医科大学全科医学院,南宁 530021
  • 收稿日期:2022-06-20 出版日期:2023-02-01 发布日期:2023-01-31
  • 通讯作者: 左延莉, Email: 53367690@qq.com
  • 基金资助:

A qualitative study on the learning attitude of and the influencing factors on academic performance of struggling medical students from order-delivery package program for rural areas

Zhang Xin1, Zhao Yue2, Xie Yueying3, Su Yicheng3, Ou Yanchen3, Zuo Yanli4   

  1. 1Academic Affairs Office of Guangxi Medical University, Nanning 530021, China;
    2The First Affiliated Hospital of Guangxi Medical University, Nanning 530021, China;
    3School of Information and Management, Guangxi Medical University, Nanning 530021, China;
    4General Medical College of Guangxi Medical University, Nanning 530021, China
  • Received:2022-06-20 Online:2023-02-01 Published:2023-01-31
  • Contact: Zuo Yanli, Email: 53367690@qq.com
  • Supported by:
    National Natural Science Foundation of China(71864006);Guangxi University Young and Middle-aged Teachers' Basic Scientific Research Ability Improvement Project(2021KY0077);Research Project of New Characteristic Think Tanks of Guangxi Medical University(GXMUZX16); Guangxi Higher Education Undergraduate Teaching Reform Project(2022JGA55); Undergraduate Education and Teaching Reform Project of Guangxi Medical University(2022XJGY27)

摘要: 目的 分析农村订单定向医学生中学业预警学生的学习态度及其学业成绩的影响因素,为有效开展学业预警教育提供依据。方法 采用半结构式访谈方法。2021年10至11月,以目的抽样对广西医科大学2020级临床医学专业(农村订单定向医学生)21名学业预警学生进行访谈,运用主题分析法对访谈资料进行分析。结果 共提取出3大主题(含10个亚主题):学业预警学生的学习态度(包括躺平型、空想型、迷茫型、侥幸型),其中躺平型学生排在第一位[9名(42.9%)];影响学业成绩的因素(包括缺乏学习动机及其来源、学习的方式方法欠缺、易受同学及环境影响),其中缺乏学习动机及其来源占比最高[13名(61.9%)];提升学业成绩的策略(包括制定目标计划、付诸实际行动、开展结对学习), 其中15名(71.4%)学生认为结对学习能提升现阶段小测成绩。结论 持躺平型学习态度的学业预警学生占比较多,缺乏学习动机及其来源是影响学业成绩的主要因素,结对学习是短期提升学业成绩的有效策略。医学院校教育工作者应当帮助学业预警学生培养人生目标感,提供探寻学习动机来源的途径,创新结对学习方式方法。

关键词: 成绩不良, 学业预警, 学习态度, 影响因素, 质性研究

Abstract: Objective To analyze the learning attitude and influencing factors of struggling medical students from order-delivery package program for rural areas, so as to provide basis for effective academic early warning education . Methods The semi-structured interview method was used. By purposive sampling, the interviews were conducted with 21 struggling students from order-delivery package program for rural areas in Guangxi Medical University from October to November 2021. After the interview, thematic analysis method was used to analyze the textual data. Results Three major themes and ten sub-themes were extracted, including learning attitude of these struggling students (the quitter, the daydreamer, the wanderer, the gambler), of which the proportion of quitters ranked first [9(42.9%)]; factors affecting academic performance (lack of learning motivation and its source, lack of learning methods, and vulnerability to classmates and environment), among which, lack of learning motivation and its source accounted for [13(61.9%)]; and strategies for improving academic performance (formulating goals and plans, putting into practice, and carrying out paired learning of which [15(71.4%)] believe that paired learning can improve the quiz performance at this stage. Conclusions Among the struggling medical students, the quitters accounts for a large proportion. The lack of learning motivation and its source is the main factor affecting academic performance. Paired learning is an effective strategy to improve academic performance in the short term. Educators in medical colleges and universities should help these struggling students to cultivate a sense of life goals, provide ways to explore the source of learning motivation, and innovate paired learning methods.

Key words: Underachievement, Struggling student, Learning attitude, Influence factor, Qualitative study
