中华医学教育杂志 ›› 2022, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (12): 1093-1097.DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.cn115259-20220414-00488

• 心理健康教育 • 上一篇    下一篇


翟晓艳1, 张琨2, 井朋1, 雷富强3, 赵艳4, 高文娟1, 刘华5, 韩继婷6, 倪爱华1   

  1. 1河北省人民医院临床心理科,石家庄 050051;
    2河北医科大学基础医学院,石家庄 050017;
    3河北美术学院雕塑院,石家庄 050700;
    4河北医科大学病原生物学教研室,石家庄 050017;
    5河北省药品评审中心业务管理部,石家庄 050091;
    6石家庄信息工程职业学院传媒艺术系,石家庄 052160
  • 收稿日期:2022-04-14 出版日期:2022-12-01 发布日期:2022-11-28
  • 通讯作者: 倪爱华, Email: 13931105423@126.com

Investigation and analysis of mental health and coping styles of college students during the prevention and control of COVID-19 epidemic

Zhai Xiaoyan1, Zhang Kun2, Jing Peng1, Lei Fuqiang3, Zhao Yan4 , Gao Wenjuan1, Liu Hua5, Han Jiting6, Ni Aihua1   

  1. 1Department of Clinical Psychology, Hebei General Hospital, Shijiazhuang 050051, China;
    2Basic Medical College of Hebei Medical University, Shijiazhuang 050017, China;
    3Sculpture Institute of Hebei Academy of Fine Arts, Shijiazhuang 050700, China;
    4Department of Pathogenic Biology of Hebei Medical University, Shijiazhuang 050017, China;
    5Business Management Department of Center for Drug Evaluation, Shijiazhuang 050091, China;
    6Media Art of Shijiazhuang Information Engineering Vocational College, Shijiazhuang 052160, China
  • Received:2022-04-14 Online:2022-12-01 Published:2022-11-28
  • Contact: NiAihua, Email: 13931105423@126.com

摘要: 目的 调查新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情(简称疫情)防控期间大学生的心理状态及其应对方式,为大学生的心理干预提供参考。方法 采用问卷调查方法。2020年3至4月,通过方便抽样选取河北省4所高等院校的1 580名大学生为研究对象,采用突发公共事件心理问卷、简易应对方式问卷对其进行心理状态及应对方式调查,采用非参数检验、二分类logistic回归和多元线性回归进行数据分析。结果 在抑郁、神经衰落、恐惧、强迫-焦虑、疑病5个维度中,学生的恐惧评分最高[0.5(0.5)分];网络不理想、不能按时上网课分别是大学生出现抑郁(OR=2.23、4.27,95%CI:1.12~4.42、1.48~12.33),神经衰弱(OR=2.39、11.08,95%CI:1.21~4.71、1.45~11.65),强迫-焦虑(OR=4.11、6.92,95%CI :1.12~4.42、1.91~24.99)可能的危险因素;作息不规律是大学生出现抑郁[OR(95%CI )=2.75(2.00~3.77)]、神经衰弱[OR(95%CI )=2.75(1.99~3.79)]、恐惧[OR(95%CI)=1.61(1.25~2.07)]可能的危险因素;长时间居家感到厌烦是大学生出现抑郁[OR(95%CI )=2.84(2.05~3.93)]、神经衰弱[OR(95%CI )=2.25(1.63~3.11)]、恐惧[OR(95%CI )=1.72(1.36~2.18)]、强迫-焦虑[OR(95%CI)=4.64(2.17~9.91)]、疑病[OR(95%CI )=2.13(1.29~3.53)]可能的危险因素;每天关注疫情1小时以上是大学生出现恐惧可能的危险因素[整日:OR(95%CI )=5.15(1.74~9.92),1~3小时:OR(95%CI )=3.67(1.55~8.69)];防疫志愿者身份是大学生出现强迫-焦虑[OR(95%CI )=4.31(1.54~12.10)]、疑病[OR(95%CI )=3.66(1.48~9.06)]可能的危险因素(均P<0.05)。家在城市(b=0.063,P=0.018)、居家感到厌烦(b=0.098,P<0.001)、作息不规律(b=0.060,P=0.019)者,医学生(b=0.083,P=0.003),文科生(b=0.091,P=0.003)分别较家在农村、居家不厌烦、作息规律者、理科生的消极应对水平更高。结论 疫情防控期间,大学生以恐惧心理为主。高等院校应重点关注那些不能按时上网课、作息不规律、长期居家感到厌烦、每天关注疫情1小时以上、为防疫志愿者的大学生的心理状态,关注居住在城市、长期居家感到厌烦、作息不规律的大学生、医学生、文科生的应对方式,有针对性地进行心理干预及培养大学生的积极应对方式、提升其解决问题的能力。

关键词: 新型冠状病毒肺炎, 大学生, 心理状态, 应对方式

Abstract: Objective To assess the mental health and coping style of college students for psychological intervention during the prevention and control of COVID-19 epidemic. Methods A questionnaire survey was used. A convenient sample was recruited from March to April 2020. We conducted an survey among 1 580 college students from 4 colleges and universities in Hebei Province using psychological questionnaires for emergent events of public health and simplified coping style questionnaire. Nonparametric test, binary logistic, multiple linear regression analyses were performed. Results Among depression, neurasthenia, fear, obsessive-anxiety and hypochondria, students′ fear scores are the highest [0.5 (0.5)]. College students with worse internet service(OR=2.23,2.39,4.11,95%CI:1.12-4.42,1.21-4.71,1.12-4.42)and cannot take online classes at scheduled times(OR=4.27,11.08,6.92, 95%CI:1.48-12.33, 1.45-11.65, 1.91-24.99) were susceptible to depression, neurasthenia and obsessive-anxiety separately. An irregular lifestyle was susceptible to depression [OR (95% CI)=2.75 (2.00-3.77)], neurasthenia[OR (95% CI)=2.75 (1.99-3.79)] and fear [OR (95% CI)=1.61 (1.25-2.07)]. Being bored while staying at home was susceptible to depression [OR (95% CI)=2.84 (2.05-3.93)], neurasthenia [OR (95% CI)=2.25 (1.63-3.11)], depression [OR (95% CI)=1.72 (1.36-2.18)], obsessive-anxiety[OR (95% CI)=4.64 (2.17-9.91)], hypochondria[OR (95% CI)=2.13 (1.29-3.53)]. Paying attention to the epidemic for more than 1 hour per day including all day and 1-3 hours was susceptible to fear [whole day: OR (95% CI)=5.15 (1.74-9.92), 1-3 hours: OR (95% CI)=3.67 (1.55-8.69)]. Health volunteers were susceptible to obsessive-anxiety [OR (95% CI)=4.31 (1.54-12.10)] and hypochondria [OR (95% CI)=3.66 (1.48-9.06)] (all P<0.05). Those who live in the city (b=0.063, P=0.018), being bored while staying at home (b=0.098, P<0.001), an irregular lifestyle (b=0.060, P=0.019), medical students (b=0.083, P=0.003), liberal arts students (b=0.091, P=0.003) were tend to negative coping styles compared to living in the country, not being bored while staying at home, regular lifestyle, and science student. Conclusions During the early phase of the COVID-19 epidemic, college students were mainly fearful. Colleges and universities should focus on the mental health of those who can′t take online classes on time, maintain irregular lifestyle, feel bored while staying at home, pay attention to the epidemic situation for more than one hour a day, and are volunteers for epidemic prevention, as well as pay attention to the coping styles of college students who live in cities, feel bored while staying at home, and have irregular lifestyle, medical students, and liberal arts students, in order to carry out targeted psychological intervention, and cultivate positive coping styles of college students and improve their ability to solve problems.

Key words: COVID-19, College students, Mental status, Coping style
