

    01 August 2018, Volume 38 Issue 4 Previous Issue    Next Issue

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    Popularity of the application for undergraduate clinical medicine in Chinese universities
    Du Juan, Su Binbin, Jia Jinzhong, Jiang Yingying, Ren He, Jing Zhengwei, Wang Zhifeng
    2018, 38 (4):  481-486.  DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1673-677X.2018.04.001
    Abstract ( 30 )   PDF (945KB) ( 16 )  
    Objective To explore the popularity of application and quality of candidates of clinical medicine, and its distribution and variation tendency in different regions and universities in China, so as to provide suggestions for improving the quality of clinical medicine candidates.Methods Clinical medicine and 7 other majors were included in the study, and the average scores for admission to the 12 comprehensive universities were available in 2011 and 2016, and the index of “percentage of average score rank” was applied to describe and analyze the popularity of application and quality of students of these majors.Results In 2011 and 2016, the percentage of average score rank in clinical medicine was 26.61% and 18.05% respectively. The popularity of application to clinical medicine increased from 4th in 2011 to 2nd in 2016 among the 8 majors. As a whole, the popularity of application to clinical medicine in different regions increased, and the candidates in the western regions had the highest enthusiasm to study clinical medicine. It was distinct among the different universities on the popularity of medicine and the distinction increased.Conclusions Overall, the popularity of application and quality of candidates of clinical medicine were favorable in 2011 and 2016, the quality of students with an eight-year master degree was better. The popularity of application of clinical medicine increased in the most areas, and the excellent candidates who lived in the areas with low income and high medical expenditure had a more strongly willing to study medicine. Family background and medical professional characteristics might be the reason to push the impoverished students into studying medicine. While the universities with dominant medicine were more attractive to candidates who aimed to study medicine, the universities with abundant employment resources and numerous competitive disciplines had a relatively weaker attraction.
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    Discussion on the motivation of speeding up the reform of medical education
    Sun Tao, Sun Baozhi
    2018, 38 (4):  487-490.  DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1673-677X.2018.04.002
    Abstract ( 30 )   PDF (882KB) ( 16 )  
    The paper tries to explore the causes of medical education reform from the new changes facing medical education in the world today, and urgently needs to deal with the changes of risk, medicine, science and technology and education. In order to accelerate the reform of medical education in China, provide a solid talent guarantee for the construction of healthy China.
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    Investigation on the medical education management models in comprehensive universities under the strategy of medical education synergy
    Peng Shutao, Shi Jinhuan
    2018, 38 (4):  491-494.  DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1673-677X.2018.04.003
    Abstract ( 45 )   PDF (885KB) ( 23 )  
    Decentralization, centralization and partial centralization are three main medical education management modes in comprehensive university at present. Under the national strategy of medical education synergy, aimed at China's shortages of attention to the uniqueness and integrity of medical education, and the integration of campus culture, this paper discussed how to optimize the management model of medical school in comprehensive universities. The practical suggestion in related aspects, including maintenance of high investment and autonomy in medical education, establishment the coordination management mechanism, encouragement interdisciplines, promoting the linkage of hospitals and universities, and rebuilding university culture were also summarized in this paper in order to promote development of higher medical education in China.
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    Studies on the situation of undergraduate tutorial system and strategy of improvement based on the demand of medical student growth
    Liu Ziyan, Kong Weijuan, Ma Weiwei
    2018, 38 (4):  495-498.  DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1673-677X.2018.04.004
    Abstract ( 53 )   PDF (882KB) ( 12 )  
    In order to make the undergraduate tutorial system more adapt to actual situation of Chinese medical universities and correspond with study demands of medical students,data were collected from the students of preventive medicine major in Capital Medical University. The content of the survey include the understanding, the satisfaction and the advice of undergraduate tutorial system.Results showed that 79.8% (71/89) of students know little about the undergraduate tutorial system and 78.7 % (70/89) of students communicate with their tutors in low frequency every semester. As for the tasks set by the tutor, 80.9% (72/89) of students tend to study professional knowledge and techniques. In summary, data indicate that improvement should be made to the undergraduate tutorial system in order to perfect it and suit to the medical students' learning characteristics of medical universities.
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    Application and effect of inter-professional education program in medical undergraduate education
    Song Yuqing, Zhang Ting, Chen Hong
    2018, 38 (4):  499-502.  DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1673-677X.2018.04.005
    Abstract ( 69 )   PDF (900KB) ( 22 )  
    Objective To evaluate the application and effect of inter-professional education (IPE) intervention on medical undergraduates.Methods Thirty-two students from medicine, nursing, physiatrics and pharmacy were involved in the IPE program. They completed the readiness for interprofessional learning scale (RIPLS) before and after the IPE program.Results The score of RIPLS was increased from (3.83±0.29) to (4.12±0.33) before and after the IPE program (t=-3.795, P<0.001).Conclusions The IPE program had a positive influence on students' attitudes towards IPE learning and promoted inter-professional collaborative competency. The IPE in medical education should be developed in future.
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    The knowledge of general practice and vocational tendency of undergraduate clinical medical students of Zhejiang University
    Ren Wen, Fang Xiangming, Ren Jingjing
    2018, 38 (4):  503-506.  DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1673-677X.2018.04.006
    Abstract ( 44 )   PDF (864KB) ( 17 )  
    Objective To explore the knowledge of general practice and vocational tendency of undergraduate clinical medical students of Zhejiang University and provide reference for general practice teaching.Methods A questionnaire survey was conducted by SOJUMP.Results Nearly 88.0% think it was necessary to open a general practice course. About 36.4% were eager to become a general practitioner, professional development was the main factor in choosing the career. The grade, general medical courses studied or not and the desire to open a general medical course were three important factors to the willingness to become a general practitioner.Conclusions The undergraduate education plays an important role in the notion of medical students, the government should establish a perfect educational system, explore new teaching patterns and offer a bright career future.
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    A survey and reflection on the curriculum system of the biomedical English program at Peking University
    Fan Xiaofei, Guo Liping, Qiao Yuling, Wei Jihong
    2018, 38 (4):  507-510.  DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1673-677X.2018.04.007
    Abstract ( 41 )   PDF (928KB) ( 17 )  
    Objective This study examined the curriculum of the Biomedical English Program of Peking University Health Science Center and identified issues in its design, in an attempt to inform improvement efforts in this regard.Methods A questionnaire survey was conducted to 92 undergraduates enrolled to this program between 2010 and 2012, where the students were required to rate the perceived importance of all the 93 courses in the program and give feedback on the current curriculum and curriculum system.Results Medical courses were perceived to be significantly less important than language courses [(3.76±0.20) vs (4.15±0.34), F=24.42, P<0.001]. The students suggested that issues existed in the current curriculum concerning scope, depth, transition and term distribution; that the ratios of compulsory and medical courses were too large; and that there was a lack of cohesion between medical and language courses.Conclusions It is necessary to adjust the curriculum by consolidating medical courses, increasing elective courses on the language side, fostering greater cohesion of medical science and language training, and creating online courses.
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    Construction and application on curricular of medical information technology based on electronic medical record
    Cui Jinmei, Liu Jinhua, Wang Jian, Zhang Xing
    2018, 38 (4):  511-514.  DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1673-677X.2018.04.008
    Abstract ( 27 )   PDF (949KB) ( 12 )  
    Objective Based on the existing problems in the process of teaching of information technology courses in many medical colleges, this paper grasps the development trend of discipline and industry, and explores the reform of the teaching content of information technology courses.Methods This paper adopts the way of self-designed questionnaire which targets at a total of 509 students who own five year system in clinical medicine from 2013 to 2015 in Fenyang College of Shanxi Medical University to proceed the relevant investigation on the teaching of medical information technology courses ,then deals with the questionnaire data by Microsoft Excel 2016.Results Most students think that Course Content Settings of medical information technology based on electronic medical records are useful(useful+very useful),and 78.4%(379/509) of students who learn the course is to master the operation of electronic documents so as to complete the writing of electronic medical records proficiently, and 61.7% (314/509)of students think that they should strengthen professional-related skills.Conclusions Medical information technology course takes the application of Electric Medical Record as the platform, it is not only optimizes the knowledge structure of this course, but also scientifically arranges the content of theoretical and experimental teaching, and combines the teaching of medical information technology with vocational skills, which helps to improve students' job competency.
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    A study on the relationship between extracurricular reading habits and humanistic qualities for medical students
    Chen Ping, Xu Guowang, Han Jian, Li Xiaorong, Guan Ruiyuan, Li Wanbin, Zhang Hongmei, Wang Weimin
    2018, 38 (4):  515-518.  DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1673-677X.2018.04.009
    Abstract ( 42 )   PDF (887KB) ( 13 )  
    In order to explore the relationship between extracurricular reading habits and humanistic qualities, this study investigated more than one thousand students from three medical colleges in Beijing. The results show that medical students' humanistic qualities are positively related to the degree of emphasis on the extracurricular reading, the competence of making full use of the scattered time to accumulate knowledge, and the depth and breadth of reading humanities books. In order to fully improve medical students' humanistic qualities, medical colleges should guide medical students to understand the inadequacies of cultivating humanistic quality in our professional education system, provide medical students with adequate, convenient and multi-media humanities reading resources, and enrich the contents and forms of campus cultural activities.
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    A study on cognition and influencing factors of doctor-patient relationship for university students
    Zhao Xun, He Qiyu, Qin Zijian, Xu Simeng, Zhou Dandan, Liang Zhaozhao, Feng Wen
    2018, 38 (4):  519-522.  DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1673-677X.2018.04.010
    Abstract ( 50 )   PDF (895KB) ( 13 )  
    Objective To understand the cognition of college students about the relationship between doctors and patients, especially gap between medical students and non-medical students and influential factors, to build more active social attitude during collage time.Methods The self-administered-questionnaire survey of 866 college students was conducted in 12 universities in Beijing. The study employed description, factorial analysis and Logistic analysis with SPSS 20.0.Results 62.6%(542/866) responders evaluate relationship of doctor-patient. Different factors influents two groups. Medical students with more human courses and non-regime evaluate more positive. Non-medical students with high grade, interactive factor, more life-science courses show more positive. There is a big difference between medical students and non-medical students on the relationship between doctors and patients, and there is a certain degree of “opposition” in their view. This opposition is due to their different positions.Conclusions Medical students evaluate relationship of medical-patient worse than non-medical students. Human education should be established to medical students so that more active social attitude could be built in the coming future.
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    Attribution study on academic failure of undergraduate education in a research-oriented university in Shanghai
    Wu Minmin, Tian Linghui, Zhu Jun, Gao Haifeng, Lu Yingqing, Qian Ruizhe, Wang Ling
    2018, 38 (4):  523-527.  DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1673-677X.2018.04.011
    Abstract ( 29 )   PDF (928KB) ( 9 )  
    In recent years, with the expanding of advanced education scale in China, academic failure has happened frequently not only in ordinary universities, but also in research- oriented universities with an increasing proportion. There have been some studies on the failure of advanced education in China, but studies on the reasons for research-oriented universities is less. A case-control study was conducted in this study. It collected students who had failed their study and who had not failed their study in recent years from a research-oriented university in 1∶1 matching way, and analyzing the cause of academic failure. This study showed that the differences in achievement motivation, classroom performance and so on can lead to academic failure in the single-factor analysis model. Factors such as achievement motivation and post-class performance are the main causes of academic failure in the multi-factors analysis model. The lack of achievement motivation and the poor learning initiative post-class are the main factors that lead to the academic failure of undergraduates in research-oriented universities.
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    The study on status and influencing factors of depression in medical graduate students
    Li Chong, Gao Dianshuai
    2018, 38 (4):  528-531.  DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1673-677X.2018.04.012
    Abstract ( 41 )   PDF (881KB) ( 15 )  
    The psychological health status investigation to 645 medical graduate students by self-rating depression scale(SDS) are Carried out and used SPSS 19.0 for statistical description, t-test, variance analysis and logistic regression analysis to analyze the influence factors of psychological health. The incidence rate of depression of medical graduate students is 21.6%(139/645), and the depression score is (43.81±6.77), which is higher than the national norm(41.88±10.57) and the difference is statistically significant(t=7.12,P<0.001). Bad consumption habits, improper learning methods, and delay are related to the depression tendency of medical graduate students, but psychological knowledge and physical exercise will reduce the tendency of depression. Carrying out professional skills training, medical universities should also strengthen the sports training and the humanities education, help graduate students to set up the active and correct outlook on life and value, and improve the psychological health level.
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    Construction of ecological translation teaching model for English majors in medical universities
    You Sheng
    2018, 38 (4):  532-536.  DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1673-677X.2018.04.013
    Abstract ( 22 )   PDF (948KB) ( 17 )  
    Educational ecology focuses on the overall effect of education and its ecological environment and emphasizes the dynamic balance as well as the co-evolution of various factors in teaching practice. The survey is conducted on the current condition of translation course of the English major in Fujian Medical University. From the perspective of educational ecology, the author constructs the ecological translation teaching model for English majors in medical universities from aspects of teachingObjectives, teaching contents, teaching resources, teaching activities and the teaching evaluation system. It's hoped that the research can advocate the balance and sustainable development of translation teaching system, provide reference to the construction of translation curricula for English majors in medical universities and help to cultivate talents who meet the market demand for medical translation.
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    The use of APP-based oral English practice in 8-years program medical students
    Wang Peng, Xie Hong, Zhou Xiaoshuang, Xia Chao, Zhang Run, Yin Junbo
    2018, 38 (4):  537-542.  DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1673-677X.2018.04.014
    Abstract ( 39 )   PDF (919KB) ( 20 )  
    There are always some difficulties in oral English teaching and practicing in colleges. Now the improvement of internet and computer technology provides a way to practice Oral English with the APPs of smart phones. In the autumn semester of the year 2016, Liulishuo APP was chosen to assist oral English practice in senior 8-year program medical students in West China School of Medicine of Sichuan University. At the end of the semester, the enrolled students and teachers were asked to finish a questionnaire investigation. And the results showed that the majority of the students accepted App-based oral practice well. They considered it helpful to use Liulishuo APP to improve oral English and enhance learning interest. And the teachers found that students had made progress in vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar and fluency, and their oral English is better than previous students with the help of APP-based oral English practice during the semester.
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    Analysis on the current situations of professional English classroom anxiety, listening anxiety and listening coping strategies in undergraduate nursing students and implications for teaching
    Cheng Lei
    2018, 38 (4):  543-546.  DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1673-677X.2018.04.015
    Abstract ( 40 )   PDF (880KB) ( 18 )  
    Objective To investigate nursing professional English classroom anxiety and listening anxiety, anlysis of the use of listening strategies, explore the correlation between classroom anxiety, listening anxiety and listening strategies, and put forward the corresponding teaching enlightenment.Methods The bilingual nursing students of 2014 grade in a medical college were surveyed using the questionnaire of foreign language classroom anxiety scale, listening anxiety scale and listening strategy.Results The scores of English classroom anxiety, listening anxiety and listening strategies of nursing undergraduates were (110.55±16.89), (116.89±24.54) and (67.96±14.88) respectively. There was a significant positive correlation between classroom anxiety and listening anxiety, and a significant negative correlation between listening anxiety and listening strategy in professional English.Conclusions There are middle school English classroom anxiety and listening anxiety in nursing undergraduates, between which were differences and connections. Listening strategies are used less, mainly cognitive strategies. Some English listening teaching method and listening strategies are put forward to alleviate listening anxiety and improve classroom anxiety, help to improve nursing students' professional English classroom efficiency.
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    A study on flipped patterns of students' teaching in pediatric clinical probation
    Chen Kaiyun, Liang Yayong, Chen Biyuan, Mou Yikun, Cen Chaoqun, Huang Chunhua
    2018, 38 (4):  547-550.  DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1673-677X.2018.04.016
    Abstract ( 27 )   PDF (892KB) ( 13 )  
    Objective To use flipped patterns of students' teaching in pediatric clinical probation, and evaluating the satisfaction, advantages and disadvantages.Methods A self-designed questionnaire was used to investigate the probationary students of clinical medicine in Sun Yat-sen University.Results Most of the students agree with the new model can stimulate active learning. All of the students are satisfied with the new model and think that it is worthy of promotion. The model can stimulate the learning, and improve teamwork skills and presentation skills, but also has the disadvantages of time consuming.Conclusions Under the reasonable design and the teacher's active encouragement and guidance, the students' teaching turnover model has the function of stimulating the students' initiative learning in the clinical pediatric clinical probation, and can be applied in teaching with other patterns.
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    The application of “active probation and fusion teaching” in obstetrics and gynecology teaching
    Hu Yun, Liu Yuhao, Chen Jianlin, Chen Junxiang, Xia Xiaomeng, Ding Yiling
    2018, 38 (4):  553-556.  DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1673-677X.2018.04.017
    Abstract ( 34 )   PDF (981KB) ( 20 )  
    Objective To explore the application effect of “active probation and fusion teaching” in obstetrics and gynecology teaching.Methods Eight-year clinical program students enrolled in clinical medical practice in the fall of 2016 in our hospital were selected as the study objects. The control group(36 cases) received traditional teaching model,the experimental group(69 cases) received the active probationary model. The teaching effect was evaluated and compared by theory test, skill operation and questionnaire survey.Results The students in the experimental group were better than the control group in theoretical scores, skill operation scores and learning initiative. There was no significant difference between the two groups in learning enthusiasm, confidence, satisfaction and adaptability.Conclusions The effect of “active probation and fusion teaching” is better than that of traditional teaching method in obstetrics and gynecology teaching.
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    Application of action-oriented teaching model based on work process in the teaching of laboratory immunology in higher vocational college
    Liu Weiping, Yin Minggang, Liu Xiaozhen, You Xianyu, Long Xia
    2018, 38 (4):  557-560.  DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1673-677X.2018.04.018
    Abstract ( 34 )   PDF (883KB) ( 9 )  
    Objective To discuss the application of action-oriented teaching mode based on work process in the teaching of laboratory immunology in higher vocational colleges.Methods Students both in class 1 and class 2 majored in medical laboratory technology specialty grade 2016 with three-year vocational education in Sichuan Vocational College of Health and Rehabilitation school were selected as the study subjects. Students in class 1 were used for experimental group, and students in Class 2 were used for control group. Action-oriented teaching model based on work process was adopted by the experimental group, and traditional teaching method was used in the control group.Results The scores of mid-term examination, the comprehensive skill test,the final examination as well as the total score of experimental group were significantly higher than those of the control group. The experimental group students' satisfaction with the action-oriented teaching model based on work process is significantly higher than that of the control group on the traditional teaching model.Conclusions The action-oriented teaching model based on work process can not only improve the teaching effect of immunology, but also cultivate the students' comprehensive professionalism.
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    Study on the effect of mind map in emergency clinical nursing teaching
    Yuan Na, Wu Xuying, Yang Sha
    2018, 38 (4):  561-565.  DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1673-677X.2018.04.019
    Abstract ( 27 )   PDF (1194KB) ( 19 )  
    Objective To explore the effect of the teaching idea of mind map and its effect on the clinical practice and the clinical thinking of the nursing students.Methods A cluster sampling method was used to select nursing undergraduate interns in grade 2013 and 2014. The control group adopted the existing teaching model, and the experimental group introduced the idea of thinking guided map teaching method on the basis of this, and the intervention time was 1 months. The scores of theoretical scores, operation scores and clinical thinking of two groups before and after intervention were compared before and after intervention, and the clinical thinking scores of two groups of nursing students at 3 months and 6 months after intervention were compared.Results The intervention group theory results, operation results, clinical thinking ability scores and the scores were higher than the control group, the comparison between the two groups, the difference was statistically significant (all P < 0.05); 3 months after the intervention, 6 months, two groups of clinical thinking ability scores and the scores were higher than the control group, comparison between the two groups, the difference was statistically significant (all P < 0.05).Conclusions Mind map is clear and hierarchical, which is conducive to the understanding, memory, induction and integration of nursing students for emergency rescue process. The way of mind map teaching can significantly improve the clinical thinking ability of nursing students.
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    Exploration of education for wisdom in the “internet+” times in the medical education
    Shi Yan, Zhang Chunjing, Wu Lina, Ning Xiaomei, Li Shuyan, Yu Haitao, Xu Jing, Yi Tonghui, Zhao Zhenglin
    2018, 38 (4):  566-569.  DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1673-677X.2018.04.020
    Abstract ( 55 )   PDF (882KB) ( 28 )  
    With the current rapid development of higher medical education informatization, Qiqihar Medical College constructs the education for wisdom in the “internet+” times and explore in the medical basic course. The paper summarized the ethics connotation and characteristic of the education for wisdom in the “internet+” times, and analyzed implement and achievements. The results showed that students' interest in study had been triggered and the self-learning ability had been elevated, the interactive teaching had been realized, the teaching quality had been improved. Positive suggestion was offered for training more medical talents and teaching reform.
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    The application of mobile learning teaching model based on micro course in pathology
    Sun Limei, Qiu Xueshan, Zhang Qingfu, Li Qingchang, Qu Bo, Sun Baozhi, Wen Deliang
    2018, 38 (4):  570-574.  DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1673-677X.2018.04.021
    Abstract ( 30 )   PDF (940KB) ( 15 )  
    Objective Explore the application effect of mobile learning assisted teaching model in pathology teaching by comparing with traditional teaching methods.Methods A total of 1458 students from 1 to 8 classes in the 2013 to 2015 grade five-year and seven-year clinical medical program in China Medical University were selected as the research subjects. Among them, 1~4 class students were in the experimental group and 5~8 students in the control group. The two group students were taught with the same teachers. The experimental group adopted the mobile learning teaching model based on the micro lesson teaching, while the control group adopted the traditional teaching model.Results The feedback from the experimental group showed that most of the students were given an affirmative evaluation of the traditional teaching model based on the micro class based mobile learning. The T test analysis showed that the students in the experimental group were higher than the control group in the theoretical assessment, including 2013 grade seven year (t=2.23,P=0.0263), 2014 grade five year system (t=2.46,P=0.0147) and 2015 grade seven year system (t=2.05,P=0.0414) , the difference was statistically significant.Conclusions In the teaching of pathology, using micro class as the carrier of mobile learning teaching model is better than the traditional teaching model. It is beneficial to achieve the goal of teaching and to better realize the purpose of cultivating excellent talents.
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    Efficacy of simulation teaching in training of medical students for surgical basic skills
    Zhang Zhipeng, Wang Gang, Xu Zhi, Zhong Woquan
    2018, 38 (4):  575-578.  DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1673-677X.2018.04.022
    Abstract ( 38 )   PDF (888KB) ( 25 )  
    Objective To evaluate the effect and feasibility of simulation teaching on the acquisition and retention of basic surgical clinic skills for eight-year medical program.Methods 46 clinical medical students of eight-year medical program in 2012 grade in Peking University Third Hospital were randomized to a simulation training (experimental group) or a traditional teaching (control group) for surgical skill training curriculum during a period of 3 weeks. Students were tested with objective structured assessment of technical skills (OSATS) scoring system after training and 1 year later.Results 46 students completed all models training and post-training assessments. OSATS scores were higher in experimental group compared with control group (t=9.194, P=0.001). After 1 year, this effect persisted with OSATS scores still being significantly higher in experimental group (t=14.140, P=0.001). The simulation teaching method was approved by most of students through the questionnaire survey.Conclusions Simulation teaching improves technical efficiency. Retesting can further evaluate advantages of simulation teaching.
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    Application of virtual simulation technology in the teaching of medicinal botany
    Han Xiaoying, Li Junsong, Shi Min, Zhang Tong, Zhou Wan, Jin Minyi
    2018, 38 (4):  579-582.  DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1673-677X.2018.04.023
    Abstract ( 47 )   PDF (4152KB) ( 18 )  
    The “virtual medicinal plants identification” is a virtual teaching software depending on virtual simulation experiment teaching platform in Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, through the application of computer technology, virtual and reality combining technology, it effectively combines the “medicinal botany” theory teaching, experimental teaching, practical teaching and other content, forms a “teaching and learning” sharing network interaction platform. The software gives full play to the positive role of network information technology in the professional teaching of medicinal botany, it enriches online learning resources of medicinal botany and promotes the digitization of medicinal plants information.
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    Research on the construction of medical students' professional identity based on the analysis of parallel chart
    Zheng Guo, Guo Liping, Li Fang, Wei Jihong, Chen Chen, Wu Yidan, Yin Ruoyu, Liu Zechen, Nie Zhijie
    2018, 38 (4):  583-587.  DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1673-677X.2018.04.024
    Abstract ( 51 )   PDF (1146KB) ( 44 )  
    It is necessary for medical educators to understand how medical students construct their identities after entering medical schools and what the influencing factors are in this process. By using the personality and social structure perspective model, this research did a qualitative analysis of medical students' construction of professional identity based on 92 parallel charts written by graduate students majoring in clinical medicine. This study shows that writing parallel charts has positive effect on medical students' professional identity construction. It also provides some implications on improving medical education by using narrative medicine and parallel charts.
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    The preliminary application and effect assessment of a comprehensive dental training case-base
    Liao Yu, Jiang Yong, Chen Huimin, Liao Yanting, An Na
    2018, 38 (4):  588-591.  DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1673-677X.2018.04.025
    Abstract ( 30 )   PDF (889KB) ( 16 )  
    Objective Aim of this study is to collect clinical information of comprehensive oral treatments of dental patients, establishing a comprehensive dental case-base, which can be applied in clinical training. The application of this dental case-base may increase the opportunity to come in contact with clinical case of interdisciplinary diseases for dental students, enrich the training content and improve the quality of training.Methods At the department of general dentstry Ⅱ, 8 dental residents at the first stage standardized training and 55 eight year program dental students of class 2011 in 2015-2016 (referred to as interns) were enrolled in to using the case-base and a questionnaire survey was conducted.Results 98.4% dental students expressed a further understanding of the importance of oral comprehensive treatment. 100.0% of the dental students had a further understanding of the program and order of treatment involving multidisciplinary oral diseases. 100.0% of the dental students had indicated that their clinical works were improved after using the case-base.Conclusions By using this case-base,the dental students had a further understanding of the importance of oral comprehensive treatment plans and sequence. This may provide a great help for their clinical work in the future.
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    Study on general medical graduate training based on community demand
    Wu Hengjing, Li Jue, Zheng Jialin, Chen Lin, Zhao Xinxin
    2018, 38 (4):  592-596.  DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1673-677X.2018.04.026
    Abstract ( 23 )   PDF (1293KB) ( 10 )  
    Objective To understand the current expectation of general medical graduate training demand on community healthcare center (CHC), and to explore strategies for general medical graduate training improvement.Methods 51 general administrators were surveyed with a questionnaire collecting data on areas such as general medical graduate training satisfaction, competence expectation. The competence expectation includes 4 core dimensions: clinical diagnosis, scientific research, teaching and training, international communication.Results 51 valid questionnaires were received, with an 100.0% response rate. As a result, 37 respondents are administrative leaders, and others are general managers. It also shows that 98.0% (50/51) respondents have a bachelor degree or above; while 21.6% (11/51) are in high level. The quality of general medical graduate training is well considered by the majority of respondents. The clinical and scientific ability of general medical graduate are satisfied, while the teaching and international communicating ability are failing to live up to expectations.Conclusions Although most respondents are positive about the current quality of general medical graduate training, actions need to be made to improve general medical graduate competences. It is essential to pay attention to CHC's demand and give play to the advantages of universities. International education and optimization of courses will be the new approaches to the cultivation of general medical talents.
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    The practice and reflection of experimental training in research project orientation through engage-study-activate model
    Wu Hongjin, Wang Libo, Wang Chenglong, Zhang Jie, Dai Weiwei
    2018, 38 (4):  597-599.  DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1673-677X.2018.04.027
    Abstract ( 43 )   PDF (866KB) ( 24 )  
    The central laboratory for science and technology at general hospital explores research project orientation mode for experimental teaching through ESA (engage-study-activate) model with the expansion of postgraduate scale and the continuous improvement of experimental requirements. According to the characters of ESA model and the actual needs of research-oriented graduate students in medicine, the laboratory imports the laddered practical training method in order to inspire students' enthusiasm. The attempts not only enhances students' research skills, but also accelerates scientific output and contributes to the success of science research at general hospital, as well as proves its feasibility and validity.
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    Exploration of the job-transfer-to-pediatrics' training
    Wang Aihua, Li Xia, Jiao Liping, Gu Yi, Feng Lei, Song Mei
    2018, 38 (4):  600-603.  DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1673-677X.2018.04.028
    Abstract ( 15 )   PDF (877KB) ( 11 )  
    Pediatrician shortage is a serious social problem in China. The job-transfer-to-pediatrics' training is a transitional training mode to enrich pediatricians as soon as possible. Through the summary about the first transfer training of in Beijing, the problems were analyzed in order to provide the basis for establishing a long-term effective training mode.
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    Exploring the necessity and importance of continuing medical education based on questionnaires of learning program in thyroid ultrasound
    Gao Qiong, Jiang Yuxin, Li Jianchu, Xi Xuehua, Liu Ruyu, Gao Luying, Wang Ying, Zhang Bo
    2018, 38 (4):  604-607.  DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1673-677X.2018.04.029
    Abstract ( 23 )   PDF (885KB) ( 13 )  
    Objective To discuss the necessity and importance of continuing medical education(CME) combined with national CME program named“Further studies of the standards in ultrasonic diagnosis and interventional treatment of thyroid nodules”held by Peking union medical college hospital.Methods One hundred and sixty participants attending the classes held in November 18th, 2017 and December 16th, 2017 at our center were selected as study objects and asked to accomplish the questionnaires designed for this survey specially.The questionnaire included basic information, purposes for attending meeting and expected topics,degree of familiarity with teaching contents, main harvest regions,degree of satisfaction and suggestions. To divide participants into groups according to academic degree (master or above, bachelor or below) and professional title (associate chief or above, attending, resident or intern), the differences of different groups were analyzed.Results Participating purposes, expected topics, main harvest regions among participants in different academic degrees showed difference(P<0.05). Degree of familiarity with teaching contents and main harvest regions among participants in different title showed difference(P<0.05).Conclusions The content of CME for ultrasound medicine should be adjusted to students with different academic degrees and professional titles, so as to improve their teaching satisfaction and learning gains.
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    Application of structured report to qualify the standardized training for radiologists
    Feng Qi, Yin Yan, Xu Jianrong, Zhou Yan
    2018, 38 (4):  608-611.  DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1673-677X.2018.04.030
    Abstract ( 48 )   PDF (887KB) ( 13 )  
    Objective To evaluate the role of the structured report system, coronary CT angiography, for example, in improving the training standardization of radiologists.Methods A total of fifteen trainees from radiologist training base in Renji Hospital, School of Medicine, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, were enrolled in the study. All radiologists were trained by structured reporting system and traditional report template separately for writing reports of coronary CT angiography. The quality of these reports during the training and the reports one year after the training were compared and analyzed. A questionnaire survey was adopted to investigate users' experience.Results The use of structured report system can effectively avoid the missing of evaluation options of coronary CT angiography, and has nothing to do with the length of time involved in writing reports (χ2=0, P=1.00); Besides, it could improve the efficiency of diagnosis after one-year working when the training was over (t=12.4, P<0.01); Questionnaire survey showed that the trainees had good experience of the report system.Conclusions The structured report system could establish a set of standardized and effective training protocol for radiologists.
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    Research on conscientiousness index measuring professionalism of low grade medical students
    Chen Kai
    2018, 38 (4):  612-616.  DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1673-677X.2018.04.031
    Abstract ( 23 )   PDF (941KB) ( 16 )  
    Objective To investigate the efficacy and feasibility of conscientiousness index(CI) in measuring professionalism of low grade medical students.Methods This study using the CI measuring professionalism of 422 medical students in low grade. Evaluation contents included attendance, reading and lecture notes, behavioral change plan, course homework and voluntary participations. The resultant CI was compared with staff views on professionalism.Results There is no statistical differences in CI distributing between different grade(P>0.05), and the CI has good correlation with the construct of professionalism perceived by staff views of individual students' professional behavior.Conclusions Results from this study suggest that CI can be used to evaluate the professionalism of low grade medical students.
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    Application of the formative assessment in nonprocedural laparoscopic simulating training for surgeons
    Liu Yuqing, Lu Jian, Qiu Min, Liu Lei, Huang Yi, Ma Lulin
    2018, 38 (4):  617-621.  DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1673-677X.2018.04.032
    Abstract ( 32 )   PDF (947KB) ( 20 )  
    Objective To explore the feasibility and effect of the application of the formative assessment in nonprocedural laparoscopic simulating training for surgeons in different seniorities.Methods A total of 55 surgeons in different seniorities were selected from Peking University Third Hospital as research object, including 42 refresher doctors on surgery and 13 graduate students on surgery for master degree. For them, a 4-week nonprocedural laparoscopic simulating training was carried out, in which the formative assessment was set up for 29 trainees as experimental group, and the summative assessment for the other 26 trainees as control group. The laparoscopic skills before and after training were evaluated in scores and compared statistically in both groups.Results All trainees had higher laparoscopic skills post-test scores than their pretest's, but the enhancement in suturing and knotting test for refresher doctors (17.1±2.9) was statistically higher than that for graduate students(14.2±3.5)(t=2.97,P=0.004). In graduate students, statistically higher scores in the basic skills post-test was obtained in experimental group[(12.6±0.8)vs(9.0±0.6), t =-8.91, P =0.000]. In refresher doctors, statistically higher scores in suturing-knotting post-test was obtained in experimental group[(35.2±2.5)vs(33.0±2.5),t=-2.83,P=0.007]. Formative assessment showed different trends in the curves of skill enhancement between surgical refresher doctors and graduate students.Conclusions Nonprocedural laparoscopic simulating training can feasibly improve laparoscopic skills, with variety between surgical refresher doctors and graduate students. Formative assessment is an effective method for surgeons in different seniorities during laparoscopic simulating training.
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    A review of evidence-based medicine educational research in China: Based on the bibliometrics view
    Xu Yun, Huang Fang, Wang Huimei, Tang Dapeng
    2018, 38 (4):  622-628.  DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1673-677X.2018.04.033
    Abstract ( 29 )   PDF (995KB) ( 18 )  
    Objective Through the statistical analysis of evidence-based medicine education research papers published in domestic journals to realize the research status in this field and to provide the reference for later studies.Methods Papers retrieved in CNKI, Wanfang and VIP databases were screened according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria. And then, a statistic assay of distribution of time, journals, publishing institutions, authors, co-authors, the number of quotations and key words by a bibliometric analysis was made.Results Included 793 papers from 265 journals, 208 institutions, distributed in 28 provinces. The earliest literature began in 1999. There were 12 core authors and 22 high frequency keywords. The cited rate was 73.4%. Each paper was cited 3.9 times. H-index is 21. Co-authored rate was 78.1%. The cooperation degree was 3.11.Conclusions In recent years, evidence-based medicine education research in our country developed rapidly. The papers quantity increased significantly, covering subjects were relatively broad. High level research institutions and research teams gradually formed, but the research of regional distribution was uneven, core researcher number was low, research was not very popular, research quality varies greatly. The level of research has yet to be improved.
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    The roles of nonprofit organizations in medical education administration in the U.S. and their implications to China
    Hou Jianlin, Sun Qiudan, Xie Ana, Cheng Huaqin, You You, Wu Hongbin, Liu Cheng, Wang Weimin
    2018, 38 (4):  629-633.  DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1673-677X.2018.04.034
    Abstract ( 36 )   PDF (906KB) ( 22 )  
    Objective To introduce the role of nonprofit organizations in the administration of medical education in the U.S. as well as their governance structure and administration mechanism and discuss the implications to China.Methods Literature review was conducted to summarize the role of nonprofit organizations in the administration of American medical education, including Association of American Medical Colleges and Liaison Committee on Medical Education.Results Nonprofit organizations play irreplaceable important roles in some key areas of medical education administration in the United States, including admission of student, institution and program accreditation, licensing examination, graduate medical education, and continuing medical education. In terms of governance and management, they usually rely on board of directors for decision making. Meanwhile, medical professionals play an important role in relevant works.Conclusions China should rely on social organizations to strengthen the construction of new administration institutions as well as medical professionals in order to improve administration system and mechanism for medical education.
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    The application and advances of computer-based case simulations in American medical education
    Yang Chunhui, Zhu Yaxin, Qu Bo
    2018, 38 (4):  634-640.  DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1673-677X.2018.04.035
    Abstract ( 42 )   PDF (925KB) ( 28 )  
    With the development of computer technology and simulative technology, computer-based case simulations (CCS) are widely used in medical education, which plays a more and more important role in the evaluation and education of medical students' clinical competency. American National Board of Medical Examiners has done a lot of work to test the reliability and validity of CCS, scoring method, influencing factors, and the operational behavior of examinees. In 1999 , computer-based case simulations formally began to apply in the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE).In recent years, some colleges and universities in the United States have begun to research and develop operating systems similar to that of CCS, used for teaching and evaluation on the clinical competence of medical students.
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