中华医学教育杂志 ›› 2023, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (4): 250-254.DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.cn115259-20220905-01115

• 思想品德与医德教育 • 上一篇    下一篇


黄燕芳1, 张赟2, 梁烨蕴3, 黄晓曼3, 陈伟婷3   

  1. 1广东药科大学护理学院2021级护理硕士专业学位研究生,广州 510310;
    2广东药科大学护理学院基础护理学教研室,广州 510310;
  • 收稿日期:2022-09-05 发布日期:2023-03-29
  • 通讯作者: 张赟, Email: zhangyun@gdpu.edu.cn

Investigation on the current situation and related cognition of ethical education for medical undergraduates in Guangdong Province

Huang Yanfang1, Zhang Yun2, Liang Yeyun3, Huang Xiaoman3, Chen Weiting3   

  1. 1Master of Nursing, Enrolled in 2021, School of Nursing, Guangdong Pharmaceutical University, Guangzhou 510310, China;
    2Department of Basic Nursing, School of Nursing, Guangdong Pharmaceutical University, Guangzhou 510310, China;
    3Undergraduate Student Majoring in Nursing, Enrolled in 2019, Guangdong Pharmaceutical University, Guangzhou 510310, China
  • Received:2022-09-05 Published:2023-03-29
  • Contact: Zhang Yun, Email: zhangyun@gdpu.edu.cn

摘要: 目的 调查医学本科生医学伦理道德教育现状以及对医学伦理道德的认知和自我评价。方法 对广东省内18所本科院校2 108名医学生进行问卷调查,内容包括一般情况、医学生医学伦理道德教育现状、对医学伦理道德教育的认知和医学伦理道德素养自我评价4个部分。采用多元线性回归探讨医学伦理道德教育认知和医学伦理道德素养自我评价的影响因素。结果 有1 193人(56.6%)学习过医学伦理学相关课程,其中有673人(56.4%)参与过医学伦理学相关实践教学活动。年级(β=-0.46,P<0.001)、学习成绩(β=0.55,P=0.011)以及家庭经济状况(β=0.54,P=0.025)为医学生伦理道德教育认知的影响因素(均P<0.05)。学习成绩(β=0.22,P=0.004)、家庭经济状况(β=0.39,P<0.001)以及有无学习伦理相关课程(β=-0.33,P=0.002)是医学生医学伦理道德素养自我评价的影响因素(均P<0.05)。结论 学过医学伦理学相关课程的医学生总体偏少。年级、学习成绩、家庭经济状况为医学生伦理道德教育认知的影响因素;学习成绩、家庭经济状况以及是否学习过伦理相关课程是医学生医学伦理道德素养自我评价的影响因素。医学院校应从根本上重视医学伦理学教学,将其设置为必修课程并增加学时,同时,专业课程、实践教学活动中也应穿插、渗透正确的伦理理念。

关键词: 伦理学,医学, 医学本科生, 伦理道德, 认知

Abstract: Objective To investigate the current situation of medical ethics education of medical undergraduates and their cognition and self-evaluation of medical ethics. Methods A questionnaire survey was conducted among 2 108 medical students from 18 universities in Guangdong Province, including the basic contents, the current situation of medical ethics education for medical students, the cognition of medical ethics education and the self-evaluation of medical ethics. Multiple linear regression was used to explore the influencing factors of medical ethics education cognition and self-evaluation of medical ethics. Results In this survey, 1 193(56.6%) students have taken courses related to medical ethics, and 673(56.4%) students have participated in practical teaching activities related to medical ethics; grade (β=-0.46, P<0.001), academic achievement (β=0.55, P=0.011) and family economic status (β=0.54, P=0.025) are the influencing factors of medical students′ cognition of medical ethics education (all P<0.05); academic achievement (β=0.22, P=0.004), family economic status (β=0.39, P<0.001) and whether they study ethics-related courses (β=-0.33,P=0.002) are the influencing factors of self-evaluation of medical ethics (all P<0.05). Conclusions The overall number of medical students who have taken courses related to medical ethics is low. Grade, academic achievement and family economic status are the influencing factors of medical students′ cognition of medical ethics education; academic achievement, family economic status and whether they study ethics-related courses are the influencing factors of self-evaluation of medical ethics. Medical schools should pay fundamental attention to medical ethics, set medical ethics as a compulsory course and increase the number of hours, and intersperse and infuse correct ethical concepts in professional courses and practical teaching activities.

Key words: Ethics, medical, Medical undergraduates, Ethical and moral, Cognition
