中华医学教育杂志 ›› 2019, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (10): 763-767.DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1673-677X.2019.10.009

• 医学教育管理 • 上一篇    下一篇


胡婷1, 王岳2   

  1. 1北京大学医学部主任办公室党委办公室 100191;
    2北京大学医学人文学院 100191
  • 收稿日期:2019-03-11 出版日期:2019-10-01 发布日期:2020-12-09
  • 通讯作者: 王岳,Email:wangyues@bjmu.edu.cn,电话:010-82801298
  • 基金资助:

Research on legal implementation of student management in university

Hu Ting1, Wang Yue2   

  1. 1Office of the President,Peking University Health Science Center,Beijing 100191,China;
    2The School of Health Humanities,Peking University,Beijing 100191,China
  • Received:2019-03-11 Online:2019-10-01 Published:2020-12-09
  • Contact: Wang Yue,Email:wangyues@bjmu.edu.cn,Tel:0086-10-82801298

摘要: 普通高等学校为保证教学质量和维护教学秩序必须行使学生管理处分权,既包括警告、严重警告、记过、留校察看、开除学籍等惩戒性措施,也包括取消入学资格和退学等准处分权行为。本文探讨了学生管理处分权的概念和分类,分析总结了普通高等学校行使学生管理处分权的具体举措,并对普通高等学校行使管理处分权遇到的问题进行法律思考,最终提出了普通高等学校正确行使管理处分权的法律建议,如应当加强法治意识,完善学生管理处分制度,开展校内法律培训教育,构建理性程序,注重信息公开,改进听证方式等,以推动依法治校,减少涉诉纠纷。

关键词: 普通高等学校, 学生管理处分权, 法律思考

Abstract: In order to maintain the normal education and teaching order,universities should keep the right of management and punishment,including warning,serious warning,recording,leaving universities,expulsion from academic status and so on,as well as the right to dispose of admission and drop out of the school.This paper explores the concept and classification of management of the students,analyses and summarizes the specific measures taken by universities to implement student management.This paper make legal research on universities' management of the students.Through analysis and research,universities should strengthen legal awareness,improve student management and punishment system,carry out legal training and education,construct rational procedures,and pay attention to information disclosure,improve the way of hearing.Only in this way can we promote a legal administration of school by law and minimize disputes related to lawsuits.

Key words: Universities, Management of the students, Legal research
