中华医学教育杂志 ›› 2019, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (8): 624-629.DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1673-677X.2019.08.015

• 医学教育评估 • 上一篇    下一篇


马俊红1, 王景超2, 周宇菲2, 刘虹3   

  1. 1北京大学医学部教育处教学支持办公室 100191;
    2北京大学医学部教育处教学管理办公室 100191;
    3北京大学医学部教育处 100191
  • 收稿日期:2018-12-28 出版日期:2019-08-01 发布日期:2020-12-09
  • 通讯作者: 马俊红,Email:mjhong@bjmu.edu.cn,电话:010-82801553

Analysis of the results of the second stage clinical comprehensive skills examination of clinical physician certification test by the students from Peking University Health Science Center

Ma Junhong1, Wang Jingchao2, Zhou Yufei2, Liu Hong3   

  1. 1Office of Teaching Support,Department of Education,Peking University Health Science Center,Beijing 100191,China;
    2Office of Teaching Management,Department of Education,Peking University Health Science Center,Beijing 100191,China;
    3Department of Education,Peking University Health Science Center,Beijing 100191,China
  • Received:2018-12-28 Online:2019-08-01 Published:2020-12-09
  • Contact: Ma Junhong,Email:mjhong@bjmu.edu.cn,Tel:0086-10-82801553

摘要: 目的 分析和评价北京大学医学部学生医师资格考试临床类别分阶段考试第二阶段临床综合技能考试,为医师资格考试改革提供参考。方法 选取北京大学医学部2018年医师资格考试临床类别分阶段考试第二阶段临床综合技能考试的188份有效成绩作为研究对象,使用SPSS19.0软件对其进行内部一致性信度、结构效度、效标效度检验,并对不同类别考生成绩进行组间差异性分析。结果 考生临床综合技能考试第一站至第六站平均成绩分别为9.81分、13.67分、12.72分、7.25分、16.56分、16.94分,总平均成绩77.45分;临床综合技能考试6个考站内部一致性信度克朗巴赫系数为0.379;各考站与临床综合技能总成绩的相关系数为0.392~0.529;第二站和第三站的Spearman相关系数r=0.320;第二阶段考试临床综合技能前4站总成绩与本科毕业考试病例分析成绩相关系数r=0.286,第五站、第六站总成绩与本科毕业考试技能操作成绩相关系数r=0.187,第二阶段考试临床综合技能总分与本科毕业考试临床技能总分相关系数r=0.347;不同类别考生各站考核成绩略有差异。结论 北京大学医学部2018年医师资格考试临床类别分阶段考试第二阶段临床综合技能考试信度和效度一般,需进一步科学分析、合理设计。应当进一步关注本科阶段医学生临床思维能力和实践操作技能的训练。

关键词: 执业医师, 分阶段考试, 临床综合技能, 信度, 效度

Abstract: Objective To analyze and to evaluate the second stage clinical comprehensive skills examination results of clinical physician certification test by the students from Peking University Health Science Center.Methods Totally 188 students from Peking University Health Science Center have obtained valid results in the second stage of examination of clinical practitioners certification test in 2018.Those examination results were selected as the study subjects.SPSS 19.0 was used to test the internal consistency reliability,structural validity and criterion validity of the students' clinical comprehensive skill scores,and to analyze the differences among different groups of examinees.Results The average scores of the 188 students from 1~6 test stations of the clinical comprehensive skills examination were 9.81,13.67,12.72,7.25,16.56 and 16.94 respectively,with a total average score of 77.45.The internal consistency reliability Cronbach's alpha coefficient was 0.379 in the six test stations.The correlation coefficient between the scores of each examination station and the total scores of clinical comprehensive skills were 0.392~0.529.Spearman correlation coefficient r=0.320 between the results of the second and third stations.The correlation coefficient between the total scores of the first four stations of clinical comprehensive skills in the second stage examination and the scores of case analysis in the graduation examination was 0.286.The correlation coefficient between the total score of the 5th and 6th stations and the skill operation score of the graduation examination was 0.187.The correlation coefficient between the total score of clinical comprehensive skills in the second stage examination and the total score of clinical skills in the graduation examination was 0.347.There are slight differences in the examination results of different categories of students.Conclusions The reliability and validity of the second stage clinical comprehensive skills examination results of clinical practitioners certification in Peking University Health Science Center in 2018 are only mediocre and so further scientific analysis and rational design are needed.The university should strengthen the training of clinical reasoning and clinical skills of medical students.

Key words: Practicing physician, The staged examinations, Clinical comprehensive skills, Reliability, Validity
