

    01 March 2020, Volume 40 Issue 3 Previous Issue    Next Issue

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    Research on construction of longitudinal research databases in medical education
    Chen Man, Xiao Fei, Li Zihua, Zheng Shaoyan, Xin Gang
    2020, 40 (3):  161-164.  DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1673-677X.2020.03.001
    Abstract ( 81 )   PDF (820KB) ( 35 )  
    As a tool of medical education research, longitudinal research database for medical education can effectively solve challenging and complex problems in medical education research by collecting measurement data of medical education outcomes and exploring the relationship between educational intervention and educational outcomes. As a continuous uniform recording and evaluation tool, longitudinal research database records the development of medical students' professional competency in the process from medical education to medical service, including the stages of basic medical education, post graduate medical education and continuing professional development, which is applied to evaluating medical education outcomes. The longitudinal database of medical education in China has not yet been established and needs to be accelerated to provide a reference basis for promoting medical education reform and improving medical education quality.
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    Strategies and practices of medical professionalism cultivation in the stage of medical college education
    Zhang Ruixue, Ding Ning, Li Honghe, Wen Deliang
    2020, 40 (3):  165-169.  DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1673-677X.2020.03.002
    Abstract ( 176 )   PDF (848KB) ( 78 )  
    Professionalism cultivation is a key component of medical education. Based on literature review, this paper summarizes college medical professionalism cultivation into five different models, including the training of medical professionalism through humanity courses, the training of medical professionalism through basic medical courses and clinical theory courses, the development of specific medical professionalism courses, the cultivation of medical professionalism through social practices, and the cultivation of medical professionalism during internship and clerkship. It also points out that there are problems exist in China's medical professionalism training, such as the unbalanced development between different schools, and the neglect from teachers and students. Thus suggest that different colleges should make their own top-level design with the consideration of their respective characteristics.
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    Exploration of various teaching methods in the cultivation of doctor-patient communication ability of medical students
    Zhang Ming, Chen Minhua, Zheng Liarong, Guan Nianhong, Gan Zhaoyu
    2020, 40 (3):  170-174.  DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1673-677X.2020.03.003
    Abstract ( 94 )   PDF (839KB) ( 49 )  
    Objective To explore the application of various teaching methods in improving the doctor-patient communication skills of medical students. Methods It was a prospective self-control study. From January 2017 to December 2017, Before entered into psychiatry department of the Third Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University, medical students were evaluated for “the Communication Skills Attitude Scale”and “the Medical Students' Doctor-Patient Communication Behavior Scale”, within the following six months a variety of ways of communication skills training,including internship lectures, interactive teaching and new media teaching,scale assessment again after 6 months. The most effective teaching methods were chosen by students. Results After training, the communication skill of medical students in all aspects was improved, the negative attitude was reduced (35.22±4.35 vs 28.40±3.54), the positive attitude was increased (53.20±5.35 vs 60.84±2.72), the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05); the medical students' communication behavior scale before and after training (151.78±5.33 vs 166.27±4.36), the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05).Before training, male students' positive attitude score towards doctor-patient communication were worse than female students (51.41±4.88 vs 54.91±5.33), while malestudents' negative attitude score was higher than female students(36.68±4.80 vs 33.83±3.42).After training, the support score of male students were worse than female students(16.86±1.52 vs 17.83±1.27), and the differences were statistically significant (P<0.05). The most effective training method favored student was simulation teaching 46.7% (63/135), followed by WeChat 28.9% (39/135). Conclusions Various teaching methods can improve doctor-patient relationship, students of different genders have different communication abilities and preferences for teaching methods. Among them, simulation teaching in interactive teaching and WeChat platform as the new media teaching facilites are relatively effective, which are worthy of further improvement.
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    Effect of nurses' emotional intelligence on perceived professional benefit
    Zhou Song, Hao Liru, He Yue, Yu Cuixiang, Zha Liling
    2020, 40 (3):  175-178.  DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1673-677X.2020.03.004
    Abstract ( 46 )   PDF (789KB) ( 19 )  
    Objective To investigate the current status of emotional intelligence and perceived professional benefits of nurses,and to analyze the relationship between them. Methods All 738 nurses from Zhuhai and Guangzhou in Guangdong province was investigated with general information questionnaire, emotional intelligence scale and nurses' perceived professional benefits scale. Results The average total score of emotional intelligence and perceived professional benefits was (3.73±0.58) and (4.07±0.53) respectively. Emotional intelligence and four dimensions were positively correlated with nursing perceived professional benefits and five dimensions (r=0.475~0.675, all P<0.01).Hierarchical regression analysis showed that emotional assessment of others(P<0.01)and self-emotion management (P<0.01) had positive predictive effect on perceived professional benefits, and explained 39.7% of the variance. Conclusions Nurses' emotional intelligence and perceived professional benefits were in the middle level and positively correlated. Managers of hospital may improve nurses' perceived professional benefits by strengthening the training of emotional intelligence.
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    Analysis on causes and strategies of the cultural shock in international students of clinical medicine in China
    Zhu Lifang, Zhang Lanling, Bie Mingke, Chen Yong, Feng Bing
    2020, 40 (3):  179-182.  DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1673-677X.2020.03.005
    Abstract ( 78 )   PDF (780KB) ( 35 )  
    Cultural shock is one of the most striking problems in the cross-cultural adaptation of international students in clinical medicine in China. Based on the theory of cultural shock and practical education and administration for international students, this paper analyzes the causes of cultural shock in international students of clinical medicine from the perspectives of anxiety for academic prospect, insufficient cultural acceptance, psychological features, Chinese language proficiency and so on, and puts forward some strategies to overcome cultural shock and accelerate the cross-cultural adaptation, aiming to improve the quality of international students education and administration and promote the successful cross-cultural communication.
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    Study on the influence of integrated basic medical system combined with two teaching methods on the critical thinking ability of clinical medical students
    Zhang Caihua, Guan Lili, Li Cong, Ren Xiang, Kong Li, Ma Haiying
    2020, 40 (3):  183-186.  DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1673-677X.2020.03.006
    Abstract ( 90 )   PDF (791KB) ( 55 )  
    Objective To discuss the effect of system-based integrated curriculum combined with problem-based learning, case-based learning (hereinafter referred to as system-based integrated teaching) in basic medical sciences in the cultivation of clinical medical students' critical thinking ability. Methods A total of 184 students from the 5-year clinical medicine scheme in Dalian Medical University were subjects, which include experiment group (n=89, system integrated teaching mode)and control group(n=95, traditional discipline-centered teaching mode). Critical Thinking Disposition Inventory-Chinese Version (CTDI-CV) was used to evaluate the critical thinking ability of students. Results The total score of the experiment group was significantly higher than that of control group (P<0.01). Open-mindedness, analyticity, inquisitiveness and cognitive maturity of the seven dispositions of experiment group were significantly higher than that of control group [(42.03±5.60)vs(39.98±5.47),(41.69±6.27)vs(39.43±5.89),(42.16±6.93)vs(39.61±8.13),(43.74±7.74)vs(40.32±5.63), all P<0.05]. There were statistical differences in 17 of 70 items of critical thinking ability of two groups (P<0.05). Conclusions System-based integrated course facilitates clinical medical students to improve their critical thinking abilities.
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    Application and effect of Xuexitong app based Flipped classroom in the course of physical diagnosis
    He Fei, Sheng Jianlong, Xu Banglong, Wang Liping
    2020, 40 (3):  187-191.  DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1673-677X.2020.03.007
    Abstract ( 88 )   PDF (830KB) ( 53 )  
    Objective To investigate the effect of Xuexitong app based flipped classroom in the course of physical diagnosis. Methods From September 2018 to January 2019, 120 students from the Second Clinical School of Anhui Medical University were divided into control and experimental group, receiving traditional teaching mode and Xuexitong app based Flipped classroom teaching mode, respectively. Academic self-efficacy, examination scores, and teaching satisfaction were compared between the groups. Results The rate of asking questions before and after class in the experimental group was higher than that in the control group [73.3%(44/60) vs 26.7%(16/60),53.3%(32/60) vs 31.7%(19/60), P<0.01]. The test scores of students the experimental group were significantly higher than the control group[(76.0±9.9) vs (68.9±12.1), P<0.01]. Similarly, examination skill scores of students the experimental group were significantly higher than the control group [(76.3±9.1) vs (64.5±11.7), P<0.01]. After the course, academic self-efficacy in experimental group was significantly higher than control group [(79.3±8.5) vs (73.6±6.4), P<0.01]. In addition, students in the study group acquired higher satisfaction with teaching compared with the control group [(11.8±1.5)vs(9.1±1.9), P<0.01]. Conclusions Application of Xuexitong app based Flipped classroom in the course of physical diagnosis remarkably promoted the academic self-efficacy and teaching learning outcomes of trainees.
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    The application of case-based learning in stomatological teaching
    Zou Huiru, Wang Ya'nan, Lin Xin, Dai Yanmei
    2020, 40 (3):  192-195.  DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1673-677X.2020.03.008
    Abstract ( 104 )   PDF (799KB) ( 63 )  
    Case-based learning (CBL) links theory to practice, takes students as the main body, guides students to explore, discover and solve problems by using clinical cases, which has achieved remarkable application effect in many teaching fields. Compared with traditional teaching methods, CBL fully stimulates students' initiative to study independently, strengthens their self-confidence and enhances their clinical practical skills effectively. It overcomes the shortcomings of the gap between traditional classroom teaching and clinical practice process, and helps students to be fully prepared for clinical practice. This paper reviews the application status and effects of CBL in stomatological teaching, and puts forward the problems and reflections with a view to provide some reference for future innovative development.
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    A survey on the knowledge and attitude to interdisciplinary-based medical postgraduate training among medical graduate students and tutors
    Wei Yuan, Shi Huifeng, Wang Qing, Xie Jialei, Wang Xiaoli, Zhao Yangyu
    2020, 40 (3):  196-200.  DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1673-677X.2020.03.009
    Abstract ( 64 )   PDF (811KB) ( 37 )  
    Objective To investigate the current status of interdisciplinary medical postgraduate training, and medical graduate students and tutors' knowledge about and attitude to interdisciplinary-based medical postgraduate training. Methods Using convenient sampling method, an online questionnaire survey was conducted among 430 graduate students and 97 tutors from Peking University Health Science Center to investigate their experience of cooperation with other disciplines, as well as their views on the interdisciplinary-based postgraduate training and suggestions on the improvement of the training model. Results The results showed that 47.0% (202/430) of graduate students and 84.5% (82/97) of tutors reported having the cooperation experience with other disciplines. 98.8% (425/430) of graduate students and 99.0% (96/97) of tutors recognized the benefits of interdisciplinary to medical postgraduate training, including broadening students' knowledge and perspective, sharing resources, improving research methods, and the discovery of scientific problems. The proportion of having a corresponding experience showed that 53.9% (284/527) was much higher than that of expecting interdisciplinary cooperation [98.9% (521/527)] among participants. The first three factors restricting the training reported by the graduate students and tutors were lack of platforms for cooperation and exchange 65.6% (282/430), 71.1% (69/97), imperfect training system 63.3% (272/430), 71.1% (69/97) and insufficient awareness of interdisciplinary-based training 55.8% (240/430), 52.6% (51/97). Conclusions The benefits of interdisciplinary in medical postgraduate training has been widely recognized by students and tutors. However, improving systems and platforms for multi-disciplinary cooperation, and strengthening the interdisciplinary education concept are still needed to promote interdisciplinary integration and medical innovative talents training.
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    Current situation and problems of the quality evaluation of postgraduate education in clinical medicine
    Yuan Wenqing, Song Yanxin, Zhang Aijing, Huo Gang, Gu Shixian
    2020, 40 (3):  201-204.  DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1673-677X.2020.03.010
    Abstract ( 69 )   PDF (816KB) ( 46 )  
    By analyzing the current situation of the quality evaluation system of clinical postgraduate education in China from 1983 to 2017, this paper explores the main problems including the current evaluation object stratification, evaluation content is not comprehensive, evaluation index is not objective and evaluation method is relatively backward. From the practical level of clinical medicine postgraduate training unit, it is proposed that the evaluation subject should be properly adjusted, the evaluation object should be targeted, the evaluation content should be comprehensive and specific, the evaluation index should be objective and standardized, and the evaluation method should keep pace with the times.
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    Research on the current situation and countermeasures of practice teaching of full-time master degree program of public health
    Wang Nan, Li Yang, Jia Jinzhong, Hu Zhen, Chen Tianzhi, Wang Zhifeng
    2020, 40 (3):  205-209.  DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1673-677X.2020.03.011
    Abstract ( 75 )   PDF (844KB) ( 29 )  
    Objective To investigate the current situation of practical teaching for master degree of public health,to identify existing problems, and putting forward feasible suggestions and opinions for the future training. Methods From 2014 to 2015, 422 students from 34 institutions of full-time master degree in public health were selected as the research objects, and questionnaire was used to investigate them from the aspects of practice unit and unit selection, practice mode, practice time, work content, assessment and satisfaction. Results Totally 74.2%(313/422) students chose centers for Disease Control and Prevention as their main places of practice; 41.7% (176/422) of practice units were arranged by tutors and 41.0% (173/422) of schools, but 36.5% (154/422) students thought that it was more reasonable to choose practice units on their own; 45.5% (192/422) students thought thatit was the most reasonable to combine fixed departments and fixed units rotation mode; 19.9% (84/422) of the students' colleges require to practice for less than 6 months, all of them complete or over complete the practice, and 96.7% (118/122) of the students who practice for more than 12 months complete the practice; the main content of the students' practical work is mainly daily affairs, but 46.2% (195/422) of the students think that they should participate in the project research and Special research can improve their ability; students' overall satisfaction score for practical training is 3.80 points (full score 5 points). Conclusions There are some problems in the training, such as the type of practice base, the single choice way, the overall design of practice to be improved, and the lack of evaluation mechanism. Therefore, it is necessary to further strengthen the construction of practice base, improve the practice training program, and build the assessment and evaluation system, so as to ensure the practice quality of full-time master degree of public health and to improve the satisfaction of students.
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    Analysis on the results of clinical skill competition for standardized residency training of general practitioners
    Qiu Yan, Ren Jingjing, Xu Shaoyi, Fu Yu, Feng Jun
    2020, 40 (3):  210-213.  DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1673-677X.2020.03.012
    Abstract ( 51 )   PDF (787KB) ( 33 )  
    Objective To find out the problems in the standardized residency training of general practitioners (GPs), and put forward further promoting plans. Methods All 52 general practitioners were selected from the affiliated first hospital of medical college in Zhejiang university in April 2019 to clinical skills competition. The objective structured clinical examination(OSCE) was used in the competition, including basic skills operation station, physical examination station, specialized skills operation station, clinical thinking and decision-making station, each station had a qualified score of 80 points, and the scoring table adopts the unified examination form used in the previous general education completion assessment of Zhejiang province, and the assessment time and judge setting were also consistent. Results The subjects passed the physical examination. The scores of basic skills operation station and specialized skills operation station were higher than qualified ones (84.1 vs 80.0 , 91.1 vs 80.0), the difference was statistically significant (P<0.01). The score of clinical thinking and decision-making station was lower than qualified one (62.4 vs 80.0), the difference was statistically significant (P<0.01). The results of multivariate analysis of variance showed that the clinical thinking and decision-making ability of male residents were better than that of female residents [(67.23±9.01)vs(60.65±10.88)],the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05).The general practitioner's physical examination ability and clinical thinking and decision-making ability were significantly better than assistant general practitioner's [(81.11±10.06)vs(72.58±12.45),(63.69±10.61)vs(56.06±9.52)], the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05); the provincial resident training physician's physical examination ability was better than the national resident training physician's [(83.52±4.04)vs(78.65±11.85)], the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). Conclusions It is necessary to strengthen residency GPs' clinical thinking and decision-making ability through more practice training, to cultivate the clinical thinking and decision-making ability and physical examination ability of female and assistant general practitioners.
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    Application of three-dimensional visualization teaching in standardized residents training of pancreatic surgery
    Chen Chuang, Hao Huihui, Jiang Houwen
    2020, 40 (3):  214-216.  DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1673-677X.2020.03.013
    Abstract ( 34 )   PDF (766KB) ( 28 )  
    Objective To explore the application effect of three-dimensional visualization teaching in resident training in pancreatic surgery. Methods A total of 68 trainees for standardized resident training in pancreatic surgery of our hospital were selected from January 2016 to June 2018. The traditional teaching method is used in the control group, while the three-dimensional visualization technology is used in the observation group on the basis of traditional teaching methods. Results There was no significant difference in the scores of basic theoretical knowledge examination, but the results of clinical knowledge and the excellent rate of imaging examination in the observation group were significantly higher than those in the control group [(80.4±10.0) vs (74.6±10.7), 76.5% vs 52.9%], the difference was all statistically significant (all P<0.05). The results of questionnaire survey showed that the satisfaction of the students in the observation group was significantly higher than that in the control group (94.1% vs 76.5%, P<0.05).Conclusions The application of three-dimensional visualization technology is helpful to iprove clinical examination results, imaging examination results and overall satisfaction.
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    Effect evaluation of airway crisis situation simulation laryngeal mask management
    Cao Ya, Ding Fang, Lu Yan, Gong Shangyi, Jiang Lianxiang
    2020, 40 (3):  217-220.  DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1673-677X.2020.03.014
    Abstract ( 44 )   PDF (784KB) ( 29 )  
    Objective To explore the application effect of the laryngeal mask in the simulation of the airway crisis situation in the standardized training of surgical residents. Methods July 2017 to June 2018, 48 patients in the anesthesiology department of our hospital were selected to be rotated and surgically trained, and divided into test group and control group of 24 people each. Test group: training for laryngeal mask placement in a simple task trainer; control group: training in laryngeal mask placement under crisis scenario scenarios. After the training, the two groups of students were compared with the theoretical achievement, and first-aid airway treatment ability under simulated clinical crisis events, including technical ability and non-technical ability. The questionnaires were sent to the participants for feedback. Results After the training, the theoretical scores ofthe test group and control group were not statistically different (88.0±4.2 vs 86.0±3.4, P=0.076). Compared with the control group, the test group had higher success rate of laryngeal mask placement [75.0%(18/24) vs 45.83%(11/24), P=0.039], higher score of problem-solving ability (6.4±0.5 vs 2.1±1.2, P<0.01) and higher overall satisfaction of teaching (4.1±0.5 vs 3.5±0.6, P<0.01). Conclusions The application of laryngeal mask in airway crisis situation simulation could effectively improve the emergency airway management ability of surgical resident standardized training students.
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    Analysis and reflection on the evaluation of academic papers of nursing doctoral students
    Zhao Licheng, Jiang Zhaoquan, Li Hongyu
    2020, 40 (3):  221-224.  DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1673-677X.2020.03.015
    Abstract ( 45 )   PDF (822KB) ( 11 )  
    Objective To explore the problems existing in the Doctoral students' academic papers of nursing under the background of subject evaluation, so as to provide scientific basis for the discipline construction of nursing. Methods From January 2019, 20 English papers and 10 Chinese papers were collected from 23 domestic primary discipline authorized units of nursing from December 2015 to December 2018. This paper analyzes the classification, influencing factors, citation times and the first author and corresponding author units. Results Totally 688 papers were collected. Among them, nursing professional papers accounted for 46.2% (318 / 688), nursing related papers accounted for 35.6% (245 / 688), and other academic papers accounted for 18.2% (125 / 688). The highest influential factors of nursing professional papers and nursing related papers were 6.02, of which 4.5% (31 / 688) were papers with more than 3 influencing factors, and 14.09 (41 / 688) were other academic papers with more than 3 influencing factors. Calculated by institutions, the total number of citations of submitted papers is 522 at most and 19 at least. 2.3% (16 / 688) of the papers were from the first author's unit and the submitting unit. Among the papers submitted by some universities, even 10.0% (3 / 30) of the first authors and corresponding authors are not authors of their own units. Conclusions There are more academic papers of non nursing major submitted by 23 colleges and universities, which indicates that some colleges and universities are not accurate enough in the development goal orientation of nursing discipline. The influencing factors and cited times of nursing academic papers are low. In the future, we should make clear the development direction of nursing discipline, strengthen the vertical research of nursing discipline, and improve the quality of nursing professional academic papers.
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    Application of metacognition and SOAP assessment in clinical practice of rehabilitation therapy students
    Zhou Chaosheng, Tang Weizhen, Xu Jie, Xu Gang
    2020, 40 (3):  225-228.  DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1673-677X.2020.03.016
    Abstract ( 163 )   PDF (788KB) ( 80 )  
    Objective To investigate the effect of metacognition (MC) combined with SOAP (subjective, objective, assessment, plan )assessment method in clinical practice of rehabilitation therapy students. Methods Totally 40 rehabilitation therapy students from Shanghai Medical College and Tianhua College in the department of rehabilitation medicine, Shanghai Tenth People's Hospital from 2017 to 2018,were randomly divided into experimental and control groups. The experimental group received MC+SOAP teaching method and the control group received SOAP teaching method.After three months,both groups were evaluated using the APP(assessment of physiotherapy practice,APP)and SOAP. Results After three months,The professional behavior[(15.10±0.71)vs(14.30±1.26)], analysis and planning[(14.85±0.93)vs(13.95±1.39)], intervention [(17.95±1.46)vs(16.90±1.61)]of the APP and the objective data[(4.40±0.75)vs(3.85±0.93)], assessment[(4.50±0.69)vs(3.90±0.97)], and planning [(4.40±0.60)vs(3.95±0.68)]of the SOAP assessment method in the experimental group were higher than those in the control group(all P<0.05). The total score of the APP scale in the experimental group was improved significantly in the control group[(14.85±0.93)vs(13.95±1.39), P<0.01]. Conclusions Metacognition combined with the SOAP assessment method can improve students' clinical skills, clinical reasoning, and strengthen the standardization of rehabilitation performance.
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    A survey on the recognition and working intention responses of medical students to sinking resources reform
    Wang Shuhong, Sun Zesheng
    2020, 40 (3):  229-233.  DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1673-677X.2020.03.017
    Abstract ( 37 )   PDF (811KB) ( 23 )  
    Objective To explore the cognition of medical students on the sinking reform of health resources and the influence of the sinking reform on the medical students' willingness to practice medicine. Methods From June 2018 to February 2019, 1 456 valid questionnaires were collected from 8 medical universities of Zhejiang province, and then descriptive analysis, ANOVA and ordinal logistic model were utilized to do empirical study. Results It was found that 44.3% (645 / 1 456) and 21.5% (313 / 1 456) of students, had a low awareness of the sinking reform. Medical students with information by public channels, health policy and anti-violence education have significantly enhanced reform awareness, support and perceived reform effect compared with those without relevant education and by private channel (P<0.05). Health policy education has significant impact on intention to practice medicine (OR=1.274,95%CI:1.043~1.557,P=0.018), but 53.2%(774/1 456) did not received policy education. but 53.2% (774/1 456) did not received policy education. 88.5%(1 289/1 456) interviewees regard incidence of healthcare workplace violence as high, with its negative impact on working intention(OR=0.658,95%CI:0.601~0.721,P<0.01), and positive effect for low-level hospitals (OR=1.111,95%CI:1.014~1.216,P=0.023). The improvement of legal environment shows no impact for working intention(OR=0.932,95%CI:0.831~1.045,P=0.229), but positive impact exists for low-level hospitals (OR=1.363,95%CI:1.213~1.532,P<0.01). Conclusions Medical students have low reform awareness with limited information through public channel, and insufficient health policy and anti-violence education. More attention should be paid to the impacts of healthcare workplace violence on medical students' working intention, which may be incentivized by more powerful law enforcement.
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    Analysis on new procedures for health professionals' entry into medical practice in Russia
    Ma Hua, Bi Xiaoming, Liu Zhenhong, Yang Baofeng, Cao Depin, Sun Dianjun
    2020, 40 (3):  234-237.  DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1673-677X.2020.03.018
    Abstract ( 35 )   PDF (790KB) ( 18 )  
    Since January 1st, 2016, Russia began to implement a new admission system for medical practice, that is, professional accreditation. Certificate of professional accreditation has replaced former professional certificate and become a new pathway for health professionals'entry into medical practice. The paper elaborates the time, stage, category and specific procedures for professional accreditation in Russia's health field, as well as its achievements and problems, and provides reference for experts and scholars in China's health field.
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